Friday, January 13, 2023

U.S. Navy Firming Up Plans For A Medium Unmanned Surface Vessel

Ghost Fleet Overlord unmanned services vessels Nomad and Ranger conduct operations off the coast of California in 2021. (U.S. Navy)  

Defense News: US Navy more certain of role for medium surface drones following tests 

ARLINGTON, Va. — The U.S. Navy is firming up plans for the Medium Unmanned Surface Vessel, after previously questioning the need or utility of the system. 

The Navy has seven large and medium USV prototypes in its custody or on contract, and already these vessels have shown the value of having an unmanned craft tote around payloads related to intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance and targeting, leaders said. 

Meanwhile, small USVs operating as part of Task Force 59 are conducting ISR missions of their own, in much greater numbers due to their size and low cost. The Navy had already announced its commitment to a Large USV program.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The US Navy has made the commitment to have a drone fleet .... U.S. Navy Drone Ships: Unmanned Ships of the Future (USAMM). Here is a more recent article .... New in 2023: Here comes the first-ever surface drone fleet (Navy Times).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No doubt connected to the war games that show every single vessel in the south china sea being sunk in the event of war. The American public will only have stomach for that war if the human cost can be reduced to machines and Taiwanese.