Thursday, January 19, 2023

US President Biden's Son Lived In His Home With Classified Documents While Doing Business Deals With Firms Linked To Chinese Intellgience

Breitbart: Exclusive: Hunter Biden Lived in Wilmington House with Classified Documents While Bagging Millions Linked to the Highest Levels of Chinese Intelligence 

While addicted to drugs, cavorting with prostitutes, and making deals with businessmen tied to the highest levels of Chinese intelligence, Hunter Biden lived in the house where Joe Biden stored classified documents. 

On a background-check application dated July 2018, Hunter Biden claimed that he paid $49,910 per month in rent and that his “current residence” at that time was 1209 Barley Mill Road in Wilmington, Delaware, according to a document found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop.

Read more .... 

Update: Hunter Biden Lived In Classified Doc House While Raking In Millions Through Chinese Intelligence Ties (Zero Hedge) 

WNU Editor: this just keeps on getting worse ....


Anonymous said...

do you mean his Chinese business contacts came from China and went to his dad's home in Delaware?
Not a smart way to do business...there are phones and the internet.

President Donald Trump, who declared “I don’t make money from China” in Thursday night’s presidential debate, has in fact collected millions of dollars from government-owned entities in China since he took office. Forbes estimates that at least $5.4 million has flowed into the president’s business from a lease agreement involving a state-owned bank in Trump Tower.

Mr. Trump’s own business history is filled with overseas financial deals, and some have involved the Chinese state. He spent a decade unsuccessfully pursuing projects in China, operating an office there during his first run for president and forging a partnership with a major government-controlled company.

And it turns out that China is one of only three foreign nations — the others are Britain and Ireland — where Mr. Trump maintains a bank account, according to an analysis of the president’s tax records, which were obtained by The New York Times. The

Anonymous said...

IS THIS 911?

We have an apparent Copioid Overdose at the top of the comments section

Mr. Nobody said...

This is so screwed up. You have possible classified documents stored in boxes in a garage. Not in a safe, but in the open.

Then you have a person who has full access to these documents who has no security clearance and no compartamentalized access to these particular documents.

Then on top of this. The person in the house is a high risk individual who is a known drug user. Last but not least, he has acted as foreign agent for both the Chinese and Ukrainians.

Can you say:

Gross criminal negligence,

Intentional violation of National Security protocols.

Flagrant disregard for Classified material storage regulations,

Gross incompetence

and last but not least....if you were a mere commoner.... FT Leavenworth in your future?

And don't start the crap about about trump.

Trump was POTUS ....... Any POTUS has the power to declassify any document or material. If trump did that, then you cannot touch him. If he did not, then he is guilty and also needs to be prosecuted.

BUT. In the Biden case, the tie in with Hunter is absolutely unbelievable.

Joe has always been an arrogant, stupid clod who now is also a dementia patient.

Anonymous said...


Everyone knows, who you are.

Trump had sportwear made in China. It would make sense to have bank account in China.

Any foreign income would have been reported to the IRS, unless you are a Biden.

If a Chinese bank went to a realtor and asked what was space was available and what it cost and if they then chose Trump towers, there is no way Trump Towers could turn the business away without breaking laws.

You want to make a case about Trump towers then let's get some detail on how Trump towers rents out space and where the Chinese bank had previously rented space.

A government-owned Chinese company you say? And?

That covers most large Chinese businesses. So Feinstein, Pelosi and many others deal with government-owned Chinese companies.

Why would most companies in China be government owned? Communist revolution perhaps?
Where doe Democrat want to take us? Communism.

Maybe in the near future Putin or Xi can complain that their political opponents have ties to US government owned businesses.

One could argue that the US government de facto owned Twitter until Elon Musk bought it

Should Xi have decried that Twitter was government owned.

11:51 I have a question for you. Are you a masochist? Do you purposefully set yourself up to get pwned?

Anonymous said...

Well said 1:25, well said

Anonymous said...

instead of the name calling as "argument," why don't we wait to see if Hunter or Biden get indicted; and if Trump gets indicted and put on trial.
After all some here are making outrageous claims about guilt when in fact no court of law has found anyone thus far guilty of anything.
ps: to call a former addict a druggie sometime after he has been clean is not very nice or even helpful.
for the editor saying this keeps getting worse is odd since the top secret docs belonging to National Archives is at the very least far worse...that is stolen material! how do we know? the FBI had to reclaim it when it was not returned as asked for. And then not all returned. And then the fake argument that it was declassified "in my [Trump's] head.
But as I have said: put aside the silly name-calling and accusations that are not substantiated and cling instead to the outcome of investigation, indictments, judgements.

Anonymous said...

Breitbart, since being taken over by neocons, spent the last 6 years carrying water for Biden. If a report like this is coming from them then you know the deep staters are incredibly serious about making sure he doesn’t run in 2024.

Bart Breit said...


Anonymous said...


I had 15 statements or questions.

Do you take exception with a person having goods manufactured in China for resale in the Us having a Chinese bank account?

You did not answer it.

No court of law will indict the 'bidens', because the Democrat Party establishment has their thumb on the scales of justice.

Is Hunter Biden a former addict? He might have just switched drugs. With the current state of affairs id a Secret Service person saw Hunter high or taking drugs, it would not be reported. It would circulate the grapevine, but it would not be reported.

Asking you if you are a masochist is not name calling. It is a straight up question, which is logical to ask seeing how lame your arguments and posts have been.

Anonymous said...

2:49 = FRL

Anonymous said...

Funny thing about 2:49. they claim they hate name calling and such. They turn around and try to insult with imugr images. Or is it immature images in their case?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be funny if it turns out Joe Biden and members of his cabinet are Chinese intelligence agents & President Xi is the defacto President of the United States? Is the CCCP Crazy Joe's handlers? What if China decided to wage war on Russia by using the USA, Ukraine & NATO as proxies? Pass me my medicine. Keep ducking...

Anonymous said...

one must surely start pressing Americans why they vote those guys in and dont insist on non political fbi cia etc