Saturday, January 21, 2023

US Senators Blast Delays In Supplying Western Tanks To Ukraine

U.S. Senators Graham and Blumenthal take part in a news conference in Kyiv © Thomson Reuters  

Reuters: US senators, visiting Kyiv, blast delays in supplying tanks to Ukraine 

KYIV (Reuters) - A bipartisan delegation of three U.S. Senators visiting Kyiv blasted the delays around Western tank supplies to Ukraine on Friday, with one of them warning of an impending "major counter-offensive" by Russia. 

The delegation, composed of Republican Lindsey Graham as well as Democrats Richard Blumenthal and Sheldon Whitehouse, spoke to reporters after meeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who asked for "investment, not charity," according to Graham. 

Graham singled out Germany as he expressed his frustration over a lack of tanks sent to Kyiv by its Western allies, including the United States.

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WNU Editor: These US Senators also want the Biden administration to supply Kyiv with tanks, artillery, and ATACMS missile systems, while Blumenthal also said planes should be supplied.


Matthew Putnam said...

Republicans used to be called the War Hawks, now Democrats have gotten us involved in more wars/conflicts than Republicans over the past 30 or so years. Some republicans, but basically all dems are all for sending everything but nukes, and I am sure some dems are perfectly fine with that. As we have seen, if the dems dont get what they want then they are always eager to press the reset button and "burn the country down! destroy and rebuild! get out in the streets and attack those who oppose us! Our revolution needs a great reset!. Utopia for all (except those who oppose them)!" The democrats/communists dont build anything, they dig their nails into any society that is tolerant enough of them, and then they create a bunch of made up problems and destroy the same system that allowed them to speak. You dont speak under their system, you only recite the hive mind "right-think" or die/so far get cancelled. Now watch the deadbeat commie bootlicker anons come in with their whataboutisms and disjunctive sets of words that they try and pawn off as sentient intelligence, while completely missing the point and then name calling and gaslighting. Little bitches :D

Caecus said...

these fossil senators are stuck in the Reagan years

Anonymous said...

Man, I do not know what motivates Lindsey. He is not as bad as a Democrat, but we could do better.

Democrat Dick (appropriately named) Blumenthal served in Vietnam, while stationed in DC.

Yes, we need to do more, but I do not seem them moving the needle. The people who installed a a geriatric mental patient into the Oval Office do not give a shite what they say. Turning up the heat on the men behind the green curtain won't work.

It might, but not with 2 senators.

Anonymous said...

Masters of war. Oops, I mean conflicts, since congress doesn't have the balls to declare an actual war. Probably a good thing, however.

Anonymous said...

Usa militia will attack Washington dc district of Columbia

Anonymous said...

With Russia funding

Anonymous said...

U fool's

Anonymous said...

Stop the war or die

Anonymous said...

^^^ this guy pretty much nailed it.

fazman said...

So M1 aren't sui5able to fight a European war due to size, weight , roads, brudges etc ?...did they ever think that you know just maybe that's where nato would perhaps one day fight a war

Anonymous said...

January 21, 2023 at 10:16 AM
our retards now speak up