Thursday, January 12, 2023

U.S. Will Lose 4 Aircraft Carriers And A Quarter Of Its Submarine fleet Defending Taiwan During A Chinese Invasion (Update)

USS 'Ronald Reagan.'U.S. Navy photo  

Forbes: The U.S. Fleet Could Lose Four Aircraft Carriers Defending Taiwan 

The U.S. Navy’s fleet of 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers fared poorly in a series of war games, simulating a Chinese invasion of Taiwan in 2026, that the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. recently organized. 

Even when the United States and Japan successfully defended Taiwan—as they did in most of CSIS’s 24 simulations—the Navy lost at least two carriers ... and sometimes as many as four. 

And it happened fast. “Typically, the United States lost both forward-deployed carriers within the first turn or two,” CSIS analysts Mark Cancian, Matthew Cancian and Eric Heginbotham explained in their summary of the war games. A turn represented 3.5 days of fighting. 

While the carriers were getting blasted by Chinese missiles, the Navy’s nuclear-powered attack submarines and the U.S. Air Force’s heavy bombers not only were dodging Chinese attacks for the most part, they also were managing to sink more than enough Chinese ships to win the war.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: It is also estimated the US will lose a quarter of its submarine fleet .... The U.S. Navy Submarine Force Could Sink The Chinese Fleet And Save Taiwan, But At The Cost Of A Quarter Of Its Boats (Forbes).


Anonymous said...

If it gets to a scrap, why defend Taiwan, just take China

Anonymous said...

That would be a nuclear war

fazman said...

These games are usually nonsense , they predicted 20, 000 U.S casualties in 91 gulf war

Anonymous said...

Mind Games of US do not bite it

Mr Nobody said...

They have known for years that the losses would be horrendous. China has all the advantages in this zone.

Anonymous said...

When has their been major wars, where there were not major losses?

Only if the other side was a declining power like Spain in 1898 or something like that.

People psychologically deny that they will one day die. People who join the military do something similar. You hope deterrence and deft diplomacy will prevent a war. All you have to do is carry out your training and readiness well, have your leaders appointed over you do the same and have good diplomats and elected leaders.

Instead we have daft diplomats (Blinken), a installed leader (biden) with Alzheimer disease, Obama hiding behind the green curtain, Milley playing CRT instructor, Austin back pedaling on COVID vax (because he hit reality like a brick wall and reality won) and worse.

So we take heavy casualties. It is expected. China is not really a peer competitor unless they have a military to match ours. What matters is do we win and does the Chinese military get comparably mauled? Does that mauling dissuade them?

Anonymous said...

January 13, 2023 at 7:00 AM

sure things better under Trump and that is why he was LOSER in the last election

Anonymous said...

"In time of peace, prepare for war" - George Washington

If you are prepared for war, you increase your chances of not getting into one.

If you are not prepared for war, you look like easy pickings.

This is a lesson that Democrats absolutely refuse to learn. It is an article of their faith not to learn it.

Anonymous said...

Over 50% of the voting machines went down at 7AM in Maricopa Country on election day. sure biden was elected. Tell another lie Ruussian troll or Democrat hack.

What is the difference between a Russian troll and a Democrat hack? The troll gets paid. The hack shits in his yard for free.

Matthew Putnam said...


Y'all bitched and screamed purple haired froth bubbles for 7 years now with the Trump-Russia collusion, but he was the "WINNER" of that election. You stupid hypocrite. One thing you cannot argue is that things were objectively better under Trump, and the only issues were Democrats shooting themselves in the foot and blaming the gun for that as well. Partisan piece of crap.

Matthew Putnam said...

"ReeEeeEEEEE!!!!! Kids in cages!!!! Republican racism (TM) at its finest!!! ReeeEEEeEE!!!!!"

-Built by Obama, Trump Blamed, now more kids are in those same cages than ever before and in much worse conditions.

"My body my choice!! Get your untested vaccines you backwards Neanderthals ReeEEeeEEee!!!!!

"Give up your guns, and the govt will protect you! No one needs an AR15"

-Thousands killed and injured by democrat BLM/ATNFIA nazis, and entire swathes of democrat areas eradicated of rule of law for weeks/months and run by the same nazis that stormed our streets nationwide and then calling for the abolition of law enforcement and the tearing down of the system.

"Get rid of your gas stoves or the sun monster will get angry!!" Maybe sacrifice a few million more unborn babies this year to the global warming monster as well?

-While every major democrat who said that now has photos of them in their own homes with their own gas stoves, and also claiming they are "for the children" and "human rights".

"Release the biggest international arms dealer for some token bitch!"
"We are the biggest advocates against gun crime!"

Fuck democrats. Y'all rape and butcher children and have gotten people killed every single day of the past 40 years, or at least complacent in it. Your silence is deafening. Your words are violence. Your ideology is cancer.

Anonymous said...

I never knew the Dems were so bad!
the Dems in charge when we won WWII and II
The Dems got us out of the Depression, which took place under GOP pres.
Dems gave us medicare and social security etc
Alas, the Dems did not try to overturn an election and storm the Capitol

Matthew Putnam said...

Lol yes, we know that you didnt know that. You dont know anything more than bullet/talking points. And youve never been able to successfully defend your own talking points. You always just run away.

The dems also got their ass kicked during the civil war where hundreds of thousands of republicans died to free the slaves that even Joe Biden is on the record of voting for segregation against because he didnt want our schools to be "a racial jungles". Your party is the party of Jim Crow and the Dixiecrats, racist piece of shit.

The dems put us in the worst recession/depression in 40 years by using the nations credit card and raising the debts ceiling every chance they get to buy votes for those same free shit social programs that are nothing more than unfunded liabilities and a massive detriment to this country. More than any existing republican law you idiot.

The dems burnt down the country and caused more casualties and damage than any similar event in history. JAN6th is the only thing youve got and thats why its the only thing we hear about. Polosi was advised to significantly beef up capital security leading up to the event she and the FBI created, but decided not to because her FBI agents were going to rile up a few republicans to walk onto the capital grounds and murder one of them in cold blood. The democrats needed just anything to endlessly point fingers at after their summer of total nationwide death and destruction. It was on purpose.

I can do this all day. You cant; at least not factually.

Little partisan bitch.

Anonymous said...

Look at you guys, arguing like children in your little blue and red football clubs. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

I’ve never heard of a war game that didn’t predict disaster for the US. It’s a good way to enhance vigilance and prepare alternatives.

Anonymous said...

Democrats stormed the Wisconsin Legislature, the Seattle city Hall, Portland government anything and many other building. They also burnt down a police station in Minneapolis.