Thursday, January 19, 2023

U.S. Willing To Help Ukraine Target Crimea


DNYUZ/New York Times: U.S. Warms to Helping Ukraine Target Crimea 

WASHINGTON — For years, the United States has insisted that Crimea is still part of Ukraine. Yet the Biden administration has held to a hard line since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, refusing to provide Kyiv with the weapons it needs to target the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia has been using as a base for launching devastating strikes. 

Now that line is starting to soften. 

After months of discussions with Ukrainian officials, the Biden administration is finally starting to concede that Kyiv may need the power to strike the Russian sanctuary, even if such a move increases the risk of escalation, according to several U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the sensitive debate. Crimea, between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, is home to around 70,000 dug-in Russian troops and numerous Russian military bases. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Joe Biden prepared to arm Ukraine to help recapture Crimea -- The Telegraph  

Update #2: New York Times: US warms to helping Ukraine regain Crimea -- Kyiv Independent  

Update #3: NYT: US Considering Helping Ukraine Strike Crimea (  

WNU Editor: It looks like the US is getting ready to send long range missiles to Ukraine .... US “likely” to send long-range missiles to Ukraine (, even though the Pentagon is saying that this is not going to happen .... U.S. will not send long-range missiles called ATACMs to Ukraine at this time, Pentagon official says (NBC). 

The Kremlin has already responded to these reports .... Kremlin: Ukrainian strikes on Crimea would be 'extremely dangerous' (Reuters). More here .... US encouraging terrorist acts against Russia – ambassador (RT).


Ron said...

of the various possible reasons why the intel community is leaking info on Biden and the mainstream media on the subject of classified docs has been uncharacteristically aggressive against a Democrat, the theory that is gaining strength in my mind is the theory that Biden will not go full war against Russian and is avoiding any tripwires. But the unelected powers that be want the war. So Biden is to be impeached or resigns and apparently kamala will do their bidding. It is these stories from the CIA front group the NY Times that gives this theory strength. We shall see. Ron

Anonymous said...

Crimea is Ukrainian. It should be Russian, but legally it is Crimean. The Russian gave it Ukraine twice.

Putin is a lawyer by training, but I guess he is like an American president or governor. Funds can be legally obligated for one thing, but government executive spend them however they please.

So legally Crimea is Ukrainian, but Putin started a God Damn war. I have said before that a plebiscite should be held, but Putin is a pathetic little man afraid of work.

Plebiscites were held after WW1 and WW2. All the plebiscites were not on the up and up, but that can be improved on. The plebiscites should have ben held before a war including this one, bit Putin did not go to the UN. He pressed the easy button and expected the Red Army to steam roll Ukraine.

A prominent person on this blog lied. They said that in such and such area 80 percent or so spoke Russian as their first or only language. What was left unsaid was that many of those were ethnic Ukrainians. It seems that those areas were not majority ethnic Russian.

Anonymous said...

Biden will not go full war against Russian and is avoiding any tripwires.

Biden will not go to war because he is wise or foolish.

He does not want to go to full war, because he is a coward all the way back to his high school days.

Anonymous said...

you want to go to war against Russia now? join up and show us you are not a coward. Did Trump go to war against Russia? No he kissed Putin's butt

Anonymous said...

I am a prominent person on this blog

Anonymous said...

Trump did not kiss Putin's flabby posterior. We all know because you would have to have been pulled off Putin 1st.