Monday, January 9, 2023

Washington Think Tank War-Game Simulation Predicts Outcome Of A Chinese invasion Of Taiwan. Predicts The Loss Of At Least Two US Aircraft Carriers


CNN: War game suggests Chinese invasion of Taiwan would fail at a huge cost to US, Chinese and Taiwanese militaries 

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan in 2026 would result in thousands of casualties among Chinese, United States, Taiwanese and Japanese forces, and it would be unlikely to result in a victory for Beijing, according to a prominent independent Washington think tank, which conducted war game simulations of a possible conflict that is preoccupying military and political leaders in Asia and Washington. 

A war over Taiwan could leave a victorious US military in as crippled a state as the Chinese forces it defeated. At the end of the conflict, at least two US aircraft carriers would lie at the bottom of the Pacific and China’s modern navy, which is the largest in the world, would be in “shambles.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: CSIS war-game simulation report is here .... The First Battle of the Next War: Wargaming a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan (CSIS). 

Washington Think Tank War-Game Simulation Predicts Outcome Of A Chinese invasion Of Taiwan  

US 'would suffer heavy losses in Taiwan war but China faces defeat' -- The Telegraph  

Think tank simulation predicts ‘heavy’ losses on all sides, including US, if China invades Taiwan -- The Hill  

2 US carriers sink, 10,000 PLA troops die in 2026 war game over Taiwan: CSIS -- Taiwan News  

Chinese Invasion Of Taiwan In 2026 Unlikely To Lead To Beijing's Victory: Report -- Republic World  

War-game simulation predicts outcome of Taiwan conflict – CNN -- RT


Anonymous said...

If China is stopped cold, then it is worth 2 carriers.

You build replacement carriers, read the CCP the riot act, and rattle the nuclear saber and mean it.

Anonymous said...

Do you know how long it takes to build a modern nuclear carrier?

Anonymous said...

at least 2

of course it will likely be more :D

and yes, even 4 air craft carriers would be worth it. The chips made in Taiwan are worth TRILLIONS over the next ten years, easy

4 aircraft carriers - 10 years, 80 billion

But .. I don't think it would be 4 air craft carriers either.. if the first couple are sunk, we are in all-out war. Air craft carriers are my least concern at that point.

Anonymous said...

Every aircraft carrier in the area will be put out of flight commission, if not outright sunk. American, Chinese, English, etc. Their big fat flight decks are too vulnerable to hypersonics and saturation salvos. Both sides would be wise to keep their expensive toys far away from Taiwan in the days leading up to war.

Anonymous said...

AC = 5000 men more or less dead.

Because to get to the AC you got to get thru the ADA Bubble. Which means more ships need to die.

AC: To build 5 to 10 years, if you rush it.

repair. at least 2-3 years

Cost in time and re-training, unsustainable.

environmental damage...huge, too bad, get used to it.

Public the charts

Nuke war, you betcha.

Anonymous said...

So the best solution is for the peoples of the world to instruct their warmongering, insane leadership to back off the military confrontation game. Tell them this in such a way they will not ignore the wishes of the people.

Anonymous said...

nobody wants a war except for the permanently insane and criminal leadership class that the world is unfortunately saddled with.

Anonymous said...

Our Plan (Admiral ____)
We conduct practice war with China. We "lose" this and that but "we win the war."
China reads our mock battle. China rattled. Our plan worked!

Anonymous said...

^ Kind of looks like the prof, but looks like he took some smart pills. Maybe he is just having a good day an is exceptionally lucid.

Dave Goldstein said...

The 1st carrier would be the last.