Wednesday, January 11, 2023

White House Say Republicans Want To Defund The US Military

Bloomberg: White House Rips McCarthy-GOP Deal as Path to ‘Defund’ Military 

(Bloomberg) -- The White House accused GOP lawmakers of seeking to “defund” the military, seizing on an agreement to elect Kevin McCarthy speaker of the House that may lead to defense spending cuts. 

 “This push to defund our military in the name of politics is senseless and out of line with our national security needs,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement.

“There is bipartisan opposition to defense cuts because making us less capable of keeping the American people safe and advancing our national security interests would be a profound mistake that our nation cannot afford.” 

As part of the arrangement with conservative dissidents to win the speaker’s gavel on the 15th ballot early Saturday, McCarthy agreed to insist on capping discretionary spending across the government at $1.47 trillion for fiscal 2024 — about $130 billion less than in 2023.  

Some GOP lawmakers say that no part of the government should be spared, including the Pentagon.  

Read more ....  

 WNU Editor: Republicans de-funding the US military?!?!?!? I sincerely doubt it. 

 White House Say Republicans Want To Defund The US Military

GOP prepares to battle itself over defense spending -- Politico 

GOP battles with itself over possibility of defense cuts -- The Hill 

GOP's defense divide -- Axios


Anonymous said...

It is a lie. The White House knows it a lie. The sympathetic reporters know its is a lie. but they will report it as part of an ongoing effort to destroy the Republican brand and keep Republican numbers low.

Anonymous said...

American voters are stupid.

Anonymous said...

They the strongest supporters doubtful

Anonymous said...

If this is BS then read what our editor posted!
What's happening: Conservative rebels extracted an agreement during the speaker fight to cap 2024 discretionary spending at fiscal year 2022 levels. Unless the Pentagon is exempted, that could result in a potential $75 billion drop in defense spending, according to Bloomberg.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a McCarthy ally backed by the Freedom Caucus, confirmed as much when asked about military spending on "Fox News Sunday": "We got a $32 trillion debt. Everything has to be on the table."

Ron said...

The number one attack against me right now is inflation primarily caused by the current politics of there being no relationship between how much our government spends and how much they suck out of the economy through taxes. so I would say restricting this orgy of spending is a strong national defense issue. the president's real issue is Ukraine. the Pentagon is going to be forced to choose between Americas interests and Ukraine/EU/Nato interests.
If there are restrictions on spending, His party is going to have to choose between feeding and housing the millions of third world migrants he has invited in or feeding and housing the millions of Ukrainians who live in a country with no economy.

Anonymous said...

75 billion out of 811 billion is .9%

That is almost a 1% cut.

7:28 read history. Get a college education and quite being a mope.

Biden will have to decide if he wants to lose 2 wars are of he wants to invite in South America at the expense of American security.
Winston Churchill's ancestor could not fight the French some years, because there was not enough money in the British budget. Seems kind of stupid. However there are two facts. First, John Churchill won Blenheim and the war. Second France was left with large debt and fell to revolution.

You cannot print money forever.

We need to fight Russia. We shall see if Biden and the Democrats choose the illegals over the Stopping Russia.

If we let Russia win Taiwan will be next. Forget about owning a new computer or buying a new car.


Anonymous said...

Reigning in the grift is not synonymous with defunding. If the pentagon cannot be operated without massive amounts of printed money every year then the military will have no resilience in the event of peer conflict anyway.

Reign it in now while the dollar is still the global reserve currency. A soft landing, as it's often said.

Mr Nobody said...

Does West Point still have a lacrosse team? Are generals still flying in the the AUSA conventions? The military is not hurting for money. Is the army still paying big money to retired generals to act as "mentors"

If so then don't talk to us about "running out of money". it is bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Yes! cut out lacrosse but keep other sports and that will fix things. ps: the Pentagon budget got boosted by 20 billion by the Dems and the GOP in the recent budget request. I guess congress wanted to keep Lacrosse

Anonymous said...

How much are we saving every day since the mighty F-35 has been grounded globally?

Dave Goldstein said...

They need to restart 2 aircraft making, a-10's and f-22's. a-10 is the only aircraft the russians are afraid of. f-35 is a joke, new bomber in a missile, drone and laser age? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is time to get this right:
the GOP does not want to refund the military. They want more control over how much and what for a military budget is submitted. The GOP claims they need to make cuts in just about all places to get the finances of the nation back on track. That said, they plan to cut money for more people in IRS to bring in billions and to cut back on tax examinations. Note: if you study such things you will note that year by year the taxes of the wealthy got less and less explored and challenged.

Anonymous said...


But if you think those tax collectors are going to go after Pelosi or DeCaprio you are sadly mistaken. They will be at your front door. Did you not learn the lesson of louis Lerner under obama.

And who wrote those tax laws that exempt the rich..that's right the Dems and reps