Saturday, January 14, 2023

White House Says More Classified Documents Found At President Biden's Wilmington Home


Politico: More documents found at Biden's Delaware home  

The additional information was discovered and reported earlier this week and turned over the Justice Department. 

Aides to President Joe Biden on Thursday evening found five additional classified documents at his Wilmington, Del., home, the White House announced Saturday. 

The additional information was discovered and reported earlier this week and turned over the Justice Department, according to a statement from Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president. 

Sauber, who has necessary security clearance to review sensitive materials, said he went to Biden’s home in Delaware on Thursday to provide the Justice Department with the classified materials that Biden’s team had discovered a day earlier. 

While there, he found the five additional pages with classification markings. The Justice Department officials with him immediately took possession of those materials, Sauber said. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Some Democrats are not happy .... Democrats fear Biden's classified documents will be his 'Hillary emails moment' - as Clinton's former adviser slams president for staying silent on THIRD batch of files found at his Delaware home (Daily Mail). More here .... Democrats worry Biden controversy will be Clinton emails repeat (The Hill). 

White House Says More Classified Documents Found At President Biden's Wilmington Home  

More classified documents found at Biden’s home by lawyers -- AP  

More classified documents found at Biden’s Wilmington home, White House says -- Washington Post  

Biden documents bungle seen as political black eye before 2024 launch -- Reuters  

Five more classified documents found at Biden’s Wilmington home, lawyer says -- The Hill 

More classified documents found at Biden’s Delaware home, White House counsel says -- CNBC  

5 additional pages of classified material found at Biden’s Wilmington residence -- CNN

5 more classified documents found at Biden's Delaware home, White House lawyer says -- FOX News


Anonymous said...

Are these like, actually sensitive?
If so, tsk! tsk! indeed!

Anonymous said...

Lol when the fascists totalitarians (Democrats) accuse you of do wrong doing, you can take it to the bank that they’ve already been doing it for years and in a far worse manner

Anonymous said...

this is the Democrats way of ensuring Biden does not run in 2024.

Anonymous said...

Deep state does not want him to run. Every retarded thing he does from now on is going to be spotlighted instead of covered up.

Anonymous said...

For the people who do the research. Why now why corruptly vote him in and throw him under the bus. Maybe he even won a fair vote, but everything aside who they have better to run as a Democrate leader?

RussInSoCal said...

Barry and the rest of Biden’s handlers are making way for Michele Mah Bell in 2024. If they build you, they can destroy you.

Anonymous said...

Pentagon Mulls Granting Back Pay to Troops Discharged for Refusing to Get Vaccinated Joe Biden is not the only moron at the White House or Pentagon.

Back tracking because the science was never there.

Anonymous said...

Trumps fault

Ron said...

the one point I would like investigated and reported on is how people come in possession of classified docs? Do they sign for them/check them out like in a library. Is there a special place they are kept with strict controlled access like an evidence room in a police department? Are they readily assessable in any secure building by the multiple of employees who have security clearances? Can they be copied legally? are the docs that Trump and Biden possess copies or original documents? all of these questions to answer one question, can investigators discover who took possession of these docs. Ron

Anonymous said...

"ABC News has reported that some documents found at the Penn Biden Center were marked top secret, but even top-secret materials would not typically operate under a sign-in, sign-out system. That system would apply only to top secret documents with an associated compartment -- for example, TS/SCI (top secret/sensitive compartmentalized information)."