Saturday, February 11, 2023

86% Of Frozen Russian Central Bank Assets In The EU Are Missing!

Russian 50 ruble note  

Bloomberg: EU Urged to Make Banks Report Size of Frozen Russian Assets 

(Bloomberg) -- The European Union should consider requiring banks to report details on the value of frozen Russian central bank assets if it wants to use sanctioned funds to help pay for Ukraine’s reconstruction, according to the bloc’s lawyers. 

The EU’s legal service said the bloc’s laws would permit it to invest the frozen assets and use the proceeds to help Kyiv, but officials must first get a handle on the scale of central bank and other sanctioned state-backed assets that have been immobilized, according to a document shared this week with member states as leaders met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Brussels. 

 Officials have estimated that some $258 billion could be located, based on information the Bank of Russia gave in a 2022 report on its foreign exchange and gold asset management, according to the document. So far, EU nations have reported about €33.8 billion ($36.4 billion) of Russian central bank assets that have been frozen, but that figure is still being assessed.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: Where is the Russian money in Europe? (Modern Diplomacy)  

Update #2: EU has no clue about whereabouts of 86% of frozen Russian central bank assets — Bloomberg (TASS).  

WNU editor: From TASS .... Of $258 billion that were seized, not more than $36.4 billion has been located, the report said. 

Sighhhh .... this is why foreign governments and companies have lost confidence in the U.S. and the EU when it comes to money and reserve currencies.


Anonymous said...

The intel services have it to fund the war against Russia. If that is the case fuck Russia.


Because the went to war without declaring war and now they cry about proper protocol?


If it not the intel services and or for war funding, then there is a serious problem. Maybe Russia took it back or maybe there are theives.

RussInSoCal said...

Maybe there's some corruption in the EU banking system?

Anonymous said...

666 got u all

Gillitine inthusiest said...

American people won't wake up to the fact that we are the bad guys and the world is tired of it until it's to late our leader are leading us to doom and they know it they just plan on hiding in there bunkers while we all starve and die

Anonymous said...

We know where the bunkers are, we will cut off the air and watch them choke on CCTV.

Anonymous said...

Oh heaven forbid, Russian money is missing! O woe is me!

I'm sure the Putin-Loving author of this blog is crying over such a loss.

Anonymous said...

Missing Money

1) The Russian orcs "stole" it back
2) The CIA, DoD, or State Department is using it to fund the war.
3) American or EU elites stole it
4) Some resident of the US or EU stole it.
5) Someone outside of US, EU, Russia or China stole it.

The answer does matter.

I agree with 1:53. Putin started the bloody war and he refused to call it a war. It was a special military operation and now there is mission creep. But since it is russian mission creep WNU is silent.

Anonymous said...

LOL by the time people realize what's going on behind the scenes its over and done with

Anonymous said...

You all have the morals of a snake.

The money was taken away from the rightful owners. hmmmm, what is that called? Theft, yes that is the word, Theft!

And what are those called who engaged in theft?

hmmmmm. why yes, they are known as Thieves.

We know you do not care about being a known: thief or murderer, destroyer, loan shark, defender of perversion and degenerate behavior.

You will justify evil in all that you do, and call it good.

We realize you have no conscience.

You have become the indispensable Dorian Gray.....

You just have not pulled back the tarp that covers the canvas.

That day will come.

Anonymous said...

Oligarchs stole Russian companies. Oligarchs support Putin. Russia invades sovereign country.

Oligarchs lose money. Problem?

If the US invaded China and then Russia seized Pelosi's bank account, do you think I would cry?

You would.

Anonymous said...


you proved my point

We know you do not care about being a known: thief or murderer, destroyer, loan shark, defender of perversion and degenerate behavior.

You will justify evil in all that you do, and call it good.

We realize you have no conscience.

Anonymous said...

11:06 just indicted himself for supporting all the murders and other broken laws oligarchs used to gain control of Russian companies.

Hitler had his industrialist backers.

Putin has his industrialist backers.

Anonymous said...

No skoda old buddy, two wrongs do not make a right. If that money was stolen from the Russian people then those e who took it should also be punished.

Your logic is not good. You just dug yourselff into another Hoel

If that money was stolen from the Russian people should it not be given back to the Russian People? Not the Russian government, but maybe an NGO that helps Russians.

War reparations you say?? That is for later. and if crimes are established, which not have happened yet.

" for supporting all the murders and other broken laws oligarchs used to gain control of Russian companies."

Are you going to ask for the same justice for all the Americans screwed over by their politicians and corporate sponsors?

No, of course not.

But stay focused when you reply skoda.

This is not about who gets what money...It is about your flawed patterns of logic.

And the administration of justice that you think has been legitimately handed out here by, the west, in that they are confiscating money that is not theirs to take.

Where the other guy has the opinion that this confiscation was only thievery, a higher form of thievery , but still thievery.

What say you Skoda?

Anonymous said...

my name is not skoda, so putin apologists should be nicer.

Anonymous said...

Skoda , dont say that. We sti
l love you

Anonymous said...

You need to read this again.... is this about Russian actions? No.

Is this about US/Euro actions? Yes.

Are the actions of the us/euros morally correct???

That is the question of the original post.

Do Not try to change the premise into a straw man or diversion off subject.

So once again.

The money was taken away from the rightful owners. hmmmm, what is that called? Theft, yes that is the word, Theft!

And what are those called who engaged in theft?

hmmmmm. why yes, they are known as Thieves.

We know you do not care about being a known: thief or murderer, destroyer, loan shark, defender of perversion and degenerate behavior.

You will justify evil in all that you do, and call it good.

We realize you have no conscience.

You have become the indispensable Dorian Gray.....

You just have not pulled back the tarp that covers the canvas.

Is this right?

Was taking the money without permission from the owner right?

If so what was the moral basis for doing so?

Does might make right?

Do two wrongs make a right?

Are there two systems of justice, one for the West and one for everyone else?


She fully supports any and all actions against the Russians. I am sure she does this out of her love for the Ukrainian people