Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Americans Trust In News Organizations Continue To Decline

The Hill: Half in new survey believe news organizations mislead, misinform public 

A new survey found that half of Americans believe that national news organizations intend to mislead, misinform or persuade the public. 

More than half of the Americans surveyed, 53 percent, in the Knight Foundation and Gallup poll said they held an unfavorable opinion of the media, which was down slightly from 2020 levels. 

“This study suggests that many Americans are not solely skeptical of news today — they feel distrust on an emotional level, believing news organizations intend to mislead them and are indifferent to the social and political impact of their reporting,” the report says.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The survey is here .... AMERICAN VIEWS 2022: Part 2, TRUST MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY (Knight Foundation). 

Americans Trust In News Organizations Continue To Decline  

Study shows ‘striking’ number who believe news misinforms -- AP  

Study: Half of Americans believe news organizations intend to misinform -- New York Daily News  

Gallup Poll: Half Say News Media Deliberately Mislead -- Newsmax


Anonymous said...

Now trry this. Go through all the posts on this issue of this site. Where and what has our editor used for his news items, no matter the subject?
ah. the news media, pretty much MSM, and a dose of Twitter.

For those of us who want even more news than we get from MSM, or who do not bother with MSM, there is social sites such as Facebook (Meta), etc etc.
And where, then, does social media get its news from?

Anonymous said...

I was going to make fun of the former retired, but he beat me to it.

When you are given bad reporting, you learn to read between the lines. Since about 1991 when news organizations stopped publishing the photos of criminals, people learned to what the news organizations were omitting. tis is not a 100% rule, but it is true way more than it is not.

Anonymous said...

Oh like most of your criminals being black? Not me that says it. It is usg crime statistics.
Read between the lines..... If you do not, you are a fool

Anonymous said...

There are two reasons for that 8:42

1st, they have more young people. demographers point out or claim that a declining crime rate after 1990 was a given since there were fewer twenty somethings. They further claim that the declining crime rate was more due to demographics than get tough policies.

2nd, Democrats. Seriously, Democrats. Democrats destroyed the black family.

And yes Journalism departments and or other journalism groups mad it a policy to playdown black crime. So black perps have often been not shown or if they were, it was delayed.

I used it as a concrete example. There are many other sins of omission by the journalists not having to do with race.

Anonymous said...


That does not make sense. Having a more young people equals more crime?? Is that universal among all populations? Do villages in Switzerland who have higher percentages of youth have more crime?

Historically, in mostly European counties and those areas that had higher youth concentrations have they had the same rates of crime as the black community in the USA?

Here is the odd thing, and this is not me, so do not shoot the messenger.

It is USG statistics

a. Blacks compose aprox 13% of USA population

b. Black population is divided into (aprox). 7% female and 6% male

c. Blacks commit aprox over 50% of ALL the crimes in the USA

d. That small 6% of the population is responsible for just about 50% of all USA crimes.

This has to do with a lot more than those guys being young.

When you figure out how to solve the problem., let us know.

Back to the original topic and how this fits in...

the Main stream press does not like to report this fact. and those that do are called white supremists...for stating the obvious.

This is just one example of how the Press does not tell the US population the facts and why the US population makes poor choices in electing its leaders. Just like a computer.

Garbage in, equals garbage out.

Anonymous said...

You are tight about GIGO. Only the error was your.

I gave two reasons. Considering those two reasons as variable , you could look at the variable interaction and get the value of the interaction.

If you normalize the crime rate for races by age, the crime rates would be more equal. but again you have to look at other factors like the Democrat Party.

Anonymous said...

BTW 10L28 do you remember when it was against the law to marry a white person? I don't but I read about it.

Anonymous said...

Those who knew they mislead us, on topics like "vaccines", lockdowns, wars, health, finance etc have taken trillions from us, have killed scores in the process, countless people really

They are like demons
They ravage and plunder the Earth

They are demons... Non-humans

Lets get them.
Trial them.
Hang them.

And then return to a time of peace and prosperity for all humans. Without THEM.

These ghouls, these demons, these fake humans cannot, must not, live among us ever again, if we want to live in peace.

Anonymous said...

11:21 and 11:22

If you are going to blame the Dems for black crime, that is a response argument of hours worth of writing.

As far a marriage, that is not the main topic of the conversation. So why bring that up out of the blue?

Do you remember when blacks could not attend the same schools as whites?

But how about one that is not discussed. go walking downtown , nicely dressed , to areas where there are no whites and see what happens to you. or why there are no white members of the congressional Black caucus even though white legislators who represent majority black district have petitioned to join?

But what has all that have to do with black crime or the legitimacy of the press?

Nothing really, nothing at all. These are only symptoms of a larger disease, more rabbit trails to no where. The primary disease and main subject of this thread being the

"loss of faith". In the fourth estate.

No more responses for you on these side subjects. Have a nice day.