Friday, February 17, 2023

Are Seymour Hersh’s Nord Stream Claims Wrong?

The Nord Stream gas leak seen from a Danish interceptor in September 2022. Credit: Danish Defence  

Unherd: OSINT picks holes in Seymour Hersh’s Nord Stream claims 

Open-source analysts argue that the journalist's theory doesn't add up 

Since he published an explosive Substack piece earlier this month, arguing — in great detail — how the United States was responsible for the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipeline between Russia and Germany last year, the investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has received both enthusiastic support and dismissal. The White House responded quickly to label Hersh’s claims ‘utterly false and complete fiction’, an assessment which the CIA and State Department echoed. Russian state representatives have, unsurprisingly, been more open to the theory. Indeed, the State Duma today proposed an urgent UN investigation into the attack based on the article.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: An interesting read. It looks like Seymour Hersh's timeline is wrong when he said the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had links to the US intel community when he was young. Jens Stoltenberg actually knew a Soviet diplomat when he was in his twenties, and was told by Norways Security Service to break contact with this suspected KGB spy. 

It also looks like Seymour Hersh is wrong in identifying the naval ships that were involved in this operation. Apparently some were not in the vicinity during the timeline of this operation. 

Does this mean that Seymour Hersh's annonymous sources are wrong? Maybe. But there is a lot of details and information in his reporting, and they are not being refuted. 

In the meantime Seymour Hersh is conducting a few interviews, and answering questions .... Seymour Hersh Answers Questions on Explosive Allegation that US Blew Up Nord Stream Pipeline (The Wire), and the main stream media blackout continues .... The Sy Hersh effect: killing the messenger, ignoring the message (Responsible Statecraft).


A. Phrend said...

The anti-Hersh argument

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter.
Fact remains: Biden, and another high ranking demon, both said - on record, and on YouTube for everyone to see, that if Russia were to "invade Ukraine", "by one way or another the Northstream 2 pipeline would cease to exist".
When asked by a reporter on how the demons would do this, Biden replied "I promise you, we have the ways to do it"

They lied about everything

WMD in Iraq
Covid-19 and before many more times, see Tuskegee Syphilis experiment
Patriot Act and 9/11
Iran Contra
The Pipeline and why Russia invaded Ukraine

They are instigating global unrest and destruction.
They are inhumane. See them for what they are: Demons. Literal demons.