Friday, February 17, 2023

EU Bans The Export Of Toilets To Russia

Toilet attendant in Moscow (Photo:  

Daily Mail: EU bans the export of toilets to Russia - where one in five households have no indoor plumbing - in a bid to punish Putin for Ukraine invasion 

* The European Union banned the exportation of lavatories to Russia last summer 

* Russian citizens could be impacted as only one in five have indoor plumbing 

* Russian soldiers are looting toilets in Ukraine to send back to families in Russia 

The European Union has banned the export of lavatories to Russia in a bid to punish Vladmir Putin for his invasion into Ukraine. 

The banned sale of lavatories was brought in in July 2022, but is only just being reported. It could have a considerable effect on Russian citizens given that one in five do not have indoor plumbing in their homes. 

According to the Telegraph, the situation is so dire that toilets have been looted by soldiers fighting in Ukraine to be sent back to their loved ones in Russia - a pattern which has previously been brought to light by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Read more ....  

Update #1: EU renewing ban on sales of toilets to Russia on war anniversary (EU Observer)  

Update #2: New EU sanctions on Russia to span from tech to toilets – media (RT)  

WNU Editor: I have a lot of contacts, friends, and family in Russia. They all have a toilet in their homes.


Adam said...

I think this would put Russia lower than India in terms of indoor plumbing adoption. I have my doubts.

fazman said...

India would be 3 in 5

Adam said...
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Adam said...
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Anonymous said...

Russian soldiers looting toilets haha thanks for the laugh. Because that’s what all soldiers including myself are thinking on the battlefield …where can I find me a toilet to take home haha

Anonymous said...

EU is becoming more ridiculous by the day cleaning up their own house should be a priority by the way whatever happened to Eva Kaili and the bags of cash??THEY killed that story asap..

Anonymous said...

"WNU Editor: I have a lot of contacts, friends, and family in Russia. They all have a toilet in their homes." I'm pretty certain of that but in five of all Russians do not have indoor plumbing.

Anonymous said...

Finally, a move that will bring the Ruskies to their knees. If only this had happened at the start of the war.

Anonymous said...

This is ridicules story. Its purpose to infer the Russians are some kind of barbarians that have no indoor plumbing.

on the other side.

I am sure with a global economy somebody else is going to be happy making money selling toilets to Russia. Or , once again, ISI will kick in and Russians will have more jobs in manufacturing plants.

Anonymous said...

oh ffs

Anonymous said...

Ahahahahahahaha, reindeer herders in Siberia NEED toilets in their tents or they'll overthrow putler.

Anonymous said...

WNU: "I have a lot of contacts, friends, and family in Russia."

"* Russian citizens could be impacted as only one in five have indoor plumbing "

WNU is so cute. Just because his family and friends are in the top 10% or top 50% and live west of the Urals does not mean there is not a need elsewhere.

With sanitation the best thing about Russia is that it is cold. Sanitation is till a problem in America, so it is not hard to imagine that there is not a problem in Russia as well. There are some counties in the US where it is. There is at least one county in Alabama where there is a problem. They have toilets. They have plumbing and running water and they have clay. They have a problem with money and with clay.

Anonymous said...

This certainly makes me feel better about my own declining economic conditions. As long as the orcs are pooping in the cold I'm ready to sacrifice it all!