Monday, February 13, 2023

Experts Offer Their Predictions On When The War In Ukraine Will End

Ukrainian service members ride atop of a BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicle near a frontline in Donetsk region, Ukraine, February 8. REUTERS/Yevhenii Zavhorodnii  

Defense News: When will the war in Ukraine end? Experts offer their predictions 

WASHINGTON and ROME — Germany’s promise early this year to send tanks to Ukraine marked the country’s latest concession and provided a cap to the gradual escalation in the kind of equipment allies were supplying. 

Indeed, when Russia invaded Ukraine last February, its allies resisted pleas for offensive aid and followed a narrow definition of protective equipment. In Berlin, leaders initially shied away from aid that didn’t fit the German definition of “defensive.” 

That’s changed, with Germany now pledging to deliver Leopard 2 battle tanks and approving other countries’ requests to follow suit. Chancellor Olaf Scholz also recently authorized supplying infantry fighting vehicles to help push Russian forces out of occupied Ukraine. 

The evolving approach fits a conflict as fluid as it is unpredictable.  

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WNU Editor: All of these experts agree that the war is going to last a long time. But what I think they do not realize is that while Western arms shipments to Ukraine will continue to fuel the war, the Ukraine that existed before the war does not exist anymore, and it will not return to its former self even if the conflict ends tomorrow. It is these dynamics that is going to shape how this war ends.

Before the war Ukraine had a population of about 41 million (excluding Crimea). After a year of war almost 10 million have fled the country, and 5 to 8 million are in regions that are now under Russian control. And if given a chance, millions of Ukrainian men who are not permitted to leave the country because of conscription, will flee the country to reunite with loved ones abroad if these restrictions are lifted. 

And it gets worse. 

Even if the war should end tomorrow, millions will immigrate because they see no future in a country that is economically destroyed and heavily indebted to the West. It is also going to be hard for many to continue to fight the war to reclaim lost territories, especially against an adversary that has a significant amount of support among the Russian speaking portions of Ukraine. 

But there are still a lot of Ukrainians who are willing to continue the war, and they will fuel this conflict until the West says no more.


Anonymous said...

the parallels to the American civil war are interesting.

"But there are still a lot of Ukrainians who are willing to continue the war, and they will fuel this conflict until the West says no more."

Just like the confederacy.

Anonymous said...

"economically destroyed and heavily indebted to the West."

Debt can be forgiven and it should be. If 3/4ths of the Republican party do not want it forgiven, I am changing my party affiliation.

"economically destroyed": Make Russia pay one way or another. Ukrainians did not start smashing their own country.

Pro Tip: But it was Russian cruise missiles that did it.

Putin has to go.
Medvedev has to go
Priogozhin needs a cell in Spandau.
Many Russian oligarchs have to go.

Anonymous said...

Not happening buddy. and go ahead be a "I'm with hillary" person.

Wont do you any good. Plus you will fit right in with all the neocons who switched parties, like kagan, kristral and Boot. They, along with hillary, agree with you 100%.

The russians lose this, and it will progressive liberalism as far as the eyes can see. Make sure your kids and grand kids get thier puberty blockers. The will fit right in too.

Anonymous said...

How will it end?

Badly for the ukies and the russians. Just like the USA wants it to.

The west cannot even get enough ammo to the ukies

That idiot solenberg says the lag time is up to 20-24 months for re-supply. Truly inconceivable.

On the other hand.
If I was the Chinese I would consider an attack on Taiwan this spring. What is the west going to do. The USA will probably use up their ammo socks in 2 days.

Anonymous said...

i am good with locking Hillary and Joe up too.

Hillary and Putin can share a cell in Spandau.

Unlike you I am fair and balanced.

Anonymous said...

"It is also going to be hard for many to continue to fight the war to reclaim lost territories, especially against an adversary that has a significant amount of support among the Russian speaking portions of Ukraine. "

Here he goes again. Firmly cemented in delusion.

Anonymous said...

How am I not fair and balanced? Do I not tell you the unvarnished truth?

Anonymous said...

Russian trolls do not speak the unvarnished truth at least no often than Goebbels.

Anonymous said...

Ok genius of 3:53.

Which nation flys the LBGTQ rainbow flag outside its embassies. The Russians?

Which nation has made LBGTQ marriage il-legal? The Americans?

Which nation's leader said that marriage was between a man and a woman? Putin or Biden.

Which nation is teaching and promulgating Critical Race Theory teaching and philosophy?

Which nation is teaching and pushing the 1619 project which states that America was built on racism and slavery?

Which nation has started a program of giving its children puberty blockers and gender transition surgery?

You Fing DUNCE. Wake the HELL up. You and the so-called loyal Americans like yourselves who are ANTI Russian...


it is not 1957 anymore.

It is the world now standing on its head.

The Russians are "the Christian Nation" and We Have become "the Godless Communists"

These are the Facts. You Jerk.

Deny any one of the above" Unvarnished Truths" that I have written.

No you cannot. Why?? Because the statements are all undeniably True. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....we are lost, hopelessly lost.

(a pause). sadness overwhelming

And no my friend , I am not happy about this. It sickens my soul, just as it should yours.

Anonymous said...

It is not 1957 anymore? I wasn't around then, so I would not know. You were not around then either.

One more thing. you are nobody's friend. This is a fact. It can be demonstrated.

Anonymous said...

Did not want to respond to the questions eh?

Of course you did not. They are uncomfortable; and true....

You have no clarity of thought. You have weak critical thinking skills.

You are not loyal to the truth of the hard facts.

No, you suck, you are weak and have no courage. A coward like most enamored in their ideological thinking that they have abandoned any sense of reality.