Saturday, February 4, 2023

Former Trump Impeachment Figure Raising Money To Send Up To 200 Contractors To Ukraine To Repair Weapons Damaged During Combat

Politico: Vindman leads new push to send military contractors to Ukraine 

The Trump impeachment figure is raising money to help with vehicle and weapons repairs on the front lines. 

A group of former military officers and private donors is raising money to send Western mechanics close to the Ukrainian frontlines, where they will repair battle-damaged donated weapons and vehicles that have been flooding into the country. 

Leading the group is a familiar name in American politics: Alexander Vindman. 

The retired Army officer played a central role in then-President Donald Trump’s first impeachment hearings by testifying about the president’s 2019 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelenskyy. During the call, Trump pushed Zelenskyy to investigate the son of then-candidate Joe Biden, Hunter, and his business ties in the country, and was accused of using U.S. military assistance as a lever.  

Read more ....  

Update: US plans to send up to 200 contractors to Ukraine for arms repair work (Al Mayadeen)  

WNU Editor: When they say 200, they really mean 2,000. What I see now is the groundwork being laid for thousands of Americans and Europeans going to Ukraine to work as private contractors to assist and/or be directly involved in the war.


Anonymous said...

Just your regular bureaucrat ... pushing warfare... clearly an impartial observer


I remember this douche

Anonymous said...

Intelligence has learned that Vindman takes it up the ass.

Anonymous said...

the guy spoke truth and you badmouth him because YOU CAN NOT HANDLE THE TRUTH

Anonymous said...

No he stated some facts. But once again he and the press misinformed the American Public.

And here it is

Vindmann's main reason for defying the Commander and Chief of the United States was that

President Trump was interfering in "Inter Agency" foreign policy operations.

Here is the catch. In accordance with the US Constitution , who is responsible for Foreign affairs and policy?

Answer: The President.

So what the hell as Vindmen doing? The POTUS decides foreign policy not an "inter agency" cabal.
Vindman and the State department are part of the Executive branch.

Therefore the individuals who testified at that committee investigation against the POTUS broke their oaths to the Constitution and the American People.

The democrats are snakes and liars.

This guy is a bum. I would not trust him to run a popcorn stand.

Hans Persson said...

Told ya.