Sunday, February 5, 2023

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz Says Russian President Putin Has Never Threatened Him Or Germany

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks as he attends a news conference at the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, December 8, 2022. REUTERS/Lisi Niesner Putin has never threatened me, Germany’s Scholz says 

German chancellor’s comments to Bild follow Boris Johnson’s claims of being threatened by the Russian leader. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Russian President Vladimir Putin has never threatened him or Germany, following claims by Boris Johnson that Putin threatened the former U.K. prime minister with a missile strike. 

 “Putin didn’t threaten me or Germany” in the phone conversations the chancellor has had with the Russian leader, Scholz told German newspaper Bild in an interview published Sunday.  

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Update: Germany's Scholz: Putin has not threatened me or Germany - Bild (Reuters).  

Update #2: Putin did not threaten Germany – Scholz (RT)  

WNU Editor: The German - Russian relationship is complicated. It is also one built on convenience. There is no benefit for Putin (who lived in Eastern Germany for years) to threaten the German Chancellor or Germany itself.


Anonymous said...

Do not have to threaten someone who is already cowed and knows their place.

Anonymous said...

Cowed? They are sending up to 100 German tanks to Ukraine and numerous other armaments… that’s the opposite of cowed

Anonymous said...

Dragging his feet on those tanks.

Some people think that by the time the tanks get there it might be too late.

It could be argued that by appearing pro NATO while obfuscating and delaying, it serves Russia's interest.

Anonymous said...

Could be, maybe… but if true 100 German tanks to Ukraine to fight Russia is no joke.

Anonymous said...

The German wealthy are so in bed with Russia it's sickening. No one in EU will call them out as Germany owns the EU