Thursday, February 16, 2023

German Politicians Want Answers On Who Was Responsible For Destroying The Nord Stream Pipeline

German Bundestag.  

Western Standard: German political party wants U.S. troops kicked out over allededly blowing up Nord Stream pipeline 

Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party wants U.S. troops out of Germany if the report is accurate that the US blew up the Nord Stream pipeline. 

The AfD Co-chairman Tino Chrupalla wants an investigation into the allegations made by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh. 

“As the American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claims to have learned from a source involved in the operational planning, the United States of America is said to have planned the demolition of Nord Stream and carried it out jointly with Norway,” said Chrupalla at a press conference.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Two German political parties that represent 18% of the German Bundestag now want answers. The right-wing Afd (see the above Western Standard post), and the left-wing Die Linke .... Germany must investigate pipeline sabotage claims – MP (RT). 

The German main stream media has so far shown no interest in investigating on who was responsible for the Nord Stream pipeline attack. But the allegations made by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh have had an impact on the German political scene, and it looks like some politicians want answers.


Anonymous said...

It's just show.. they ruling party doesn't want answers and there will be none


As basic rule:

If it makes you and me poor, THEY want it

Anonymous said...

Better late than never.
This act affected the lives of millions of innocent people. It deserves an investigation

Anonymous said...

+1000 All the US is going to do is make trouble and sell the EU

Hans Persson said...

This is going to backfire so bad...

Anonymous said...

10:59 is Mr BLOB