Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Have We Forgotton The Potential Horrors Of What A Nuclear War Followed By a Nuclear Winter Would Be Like?

Science Alert: We've Forgotton The Potential Horrors of What a Nuclear Winter Would Be Like 

Under the shadow of the Cold War, many in the world feared the impending prospect of a nuclear winter. According to a new report, our focus has since drifted from its horrors, leaving us with a general lack of awareness that could be dangerous for the future of humankind. 

It goes without saying that the threat of a nuclear blast is no trivial event. Decades of pop culture have left society with a relatively strong association between global calamity and atomic weapons. 

But the exact details on exactly what we might expect from such an escalating conflict have become hazy in the past few decades. 

The facts themselves are fairly clear. Besides the many millions who would be killed directly from the blasts, climate models predict the debris resulting from nuclear war would block out much of our sunlight for up to a decade. The consequences for survivors would be devastating: a decline in global temperature, followed by widespread crop failure, and then mass starvation. 

In spite of this dark threat, just a small percentage of today's population claim to be well informed about the precise consequences of a nuclear war – and many of those people are relying on outdated information spread amid the political tensions between superpowers in the 1980s.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: I am in my sixties, and it was drilled into my head at an early age on what the impact of a nuclear war will look like. It looks like this "education" has been omitted for younger generations. 

The survey is here .... Opinion Poll Survey: Public awareness of ‘nuclear winter’ is too low given current risks (University of Cambridge).


Anonymous said...

Solve Global Warming! Start a Nuclear War!

Bill Gates and others want less pe0ple anyways.

Anonymous said...

Good portion of our so called "elected leaders" are criminals to such an extend that once the public finds out the extent of their crimes, there won't be even a trial.. they will be hung/shot on the spot

THEY know this

THEIR solution IS the war

No investigations where trillions went
No investigations about the pedophelia

It's them or us. That simple.

Anonymous said...

In 1961 the Soviets detonated a 50 plus MT bomb, did the chart’s prediction happen?

Anonymous said...

Loosers are on war and will remain loosers while at war.