Saturday, February 11, 2023

Hundreds Of Thousands Protest Across France Against Pension Reforms


France 24: Hundreds of thousands protest across France against pension reform, unions vow to ramp up strikes 

Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in France on Saturday in a fourth day of action against President Emmanuel Macron's pension reform, with unions planning to ramp up strikes if the plan is not dropped. 

Unlike on the three previous protest days there was no call for a day of nationwide strikes, although air traffic controllers at Paris' second airport staged a surprise walkout that resulted in the cancellation of half of flights. 

Macron and his government face a two-way fight to implement the plan to raise to pension age from 62 to 64 by overcoming resistance on the streets and also pushing the legislation through parliament. 

The CGT union said that 500,000 people were protesting in Paris alone, higher than the 400,000 it counted on the last protest day on February 7.  

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WNU Editor: French President Macron was re-elected last year. There are 5 more years left in his term. His position is secure. These protests are not going to make him change his push for pensions reforms. 

Hundreds Of Thousands Protest Across France Against Pension Reforms  

Nearly 1 million French march in 4th day of pension protests -- AP  

France protests look to test government's resolve on pension reforms -- Reuters  

Almost a million march in France in protest at government pension reform plans -- Euronews  

France: Air traffic controllers join pension reform protest -- DW


Anonymous said...

I think the protesters should make an actuarial argument as to why their demands are reasonable. They might be.

the g9overnement's handling fee might be too high. If that is not true or if the savings do not match the withdrawals then the protesters are in the wrong.

Jac said...

Well, I know the French's a little bit and they are all but predictable. Macron have to remember that.

Anonymous said...

Jac, would you care to elaborate? In the news one often sees labor protests, which seem to have a lot of solidarity.

But do you mean that this is a pretty predictable, normal response?


Jac said...


What is absolutely understandable for an American (and I understand it) is French are completely unable to make the math. 75 years of brainwashing of socialism make them out of the realities. They are going to bankruptcy without imagining it.
Sad because my pension is depending of France.

Anonymous said...

Thank-you, I see. That they are protesting and demanding something which will bankrupt the country and also the pension funds from which they demand their payments.
I did not know this, thank you.