Thursday, February 16, 2023

In A Major Reversal, U.S. Secretary Of State Blinken Now Warning Ukraine To Not Retake Crimea

Secretary of State Antony Blinken leaves the U.S. Capitol after a private meeting with Sen. Patty Murray on Feb. 15, 2023. Francis Chung/POLITICO  

Politico: Blinken: Crimea a ‘red line’ for Putin as Ukraine weighs plans to retake it 

The secretary of state, in a private call with experts, expressed his hesitation about a possible Ukrainian offensive for the peninsula. 

A Ukrainian attempt to retake Crimea would be a red line for Vladimir Putin that could lead to a wider Russian response, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a Zoom call with a group of experts Wednesday. 

The Russian president sees Crimea as fully part of Russia, not Ukraine, and would be loath to see the peninsula ripped from his clutches — even though that’s precisely what he did to Ukraine nearly a decade ago. 

Republican and Democratic administrations have since then said repeatedly that “Crimea is Ukraine.” 

The top diplomat’s comments, sure to frustrate Kyiv, came after someone on the private call asked if the U.S. is willing to help Ukraine realize its long-term goal of retaking the territory seized by Moscow. 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: If true, this is a major reversal from what the US was saying only a few weeks ago .... U.S. Willing To Help Ukraine Target Crimea (January 19, 2023). So why the sudden change in policy? That is the question that should be asked right now.

 In A Major Reversal, U.S. Secretary Of State Blinken Now Warning Ukraine To Not Retake Crimea  

Ukraine warned against attempting to retake Crimea from Putin -- The Telegraph  

Blinken Avers US 'not Actively Encouraging Ukraine To Retake Crimea' Amid Russian Warnings -- Republic World  

Ukraine Attacks Crimea as U.S. Warns of Crossing Red Line -- Newsweek  

Putin's Crimea warning forces Biden u-turn? U.S. denies backing Kyiv's retake plan -- Hindustan Times  

Blinken Warns Ukraine Against Seizing Crimea In About-Face -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

Where’s all the Ukrainian/NATO cheerleaders at? They need you know more than ever. I thought Russia was losing, what’s going on here?

fazman said...

There is a difference between losing and not winning

Anonymous said...

Russia intended this war to be over by May, last year. So yeah, they lost.

What's happening now is a heavily drawn out conflict that they never wanted, that has cost them THOUSANDS of lives, on both sides, and has turned Russia into a pariah state.

Apparently you call that winning?

Anonymous said...

They could never get within 25 miles of Crimea so why even make this declaration. Just keep saying "Crimea or bust" ya idiot.

Anonymous said...

What's very interesting is the type of commentators this blog has attracted. @11:57 appear to be pro-aggressives validating Russia's invasion. They were nonexistent prior to the conflict (exception to B.user) and have only seemingly appeared after the WNU editor allowed comments again. Curious.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you're forgetting that these comments sections are insufferable during election cycles and anybody with half a brain stopped clicking on them because it was nothing but approved uniparty "debates" over the which DNC/RNC royal family is more criminal. Place was a trash heap for 2 solid years and you still see it pop up in every unrelated comment section. That's why I personally posted less.

Anonymous said...

>"Russia intended this war to be over by May, last year."

Citation needed. Sounds like a date you just made up. Every time I've asked for a source on this supposed timeline it's always a US propaganda mouthpiece quoting unnamed US officials.

Anonymous said...

Easy prediction, Ukraine will still take Crimea back. And a lot will feel frustrated once again.

Anonymous said...

You americans has no word of honor. You eat your own vomit

Anonymous said...

Easy prediction. I'm riding to the moon on Santa's sleigh this christmas and the other kids will be jealous once again.

Anonymous said...

Even on here before, old tag was Americanadian soldier. Either google or WNU editor blocked my account. And yeah I support Russia because they have been instigated for years and are finally doing something about it. It’s hard to be on the side of the west when you look at what our societies have and are turning into. That’s the other factor your missing, the woke revolution is still relatively new and is pissing people off

Anonymous said...

Trump and the American people were robbed in 2020 by the Communist/Marxist/Democrap Party. They are very dangerous opponents of mankind, and under continued Communist/Marxist/Democrap rule, the American people and all of mankind can expect endless wars. If mankind is to survive, it is imperative that the Communist/Marxist/Democrap's be defeated in 2024 and President Trump reelected to bring peace to the world.

Anonymous said...

If Trump were ever re elected, the left would destroy what is left of America themselves.the west is done for, it’s going to really begin to accelerate pretty soon when the fed blows everything up.

Roger29palms said...

Ukraine should concentrate on the task at hand.