Friday, February 10, 2023

Is The U.S. - China Hotline Useless?

Daily Caller: ‘That’s Really Dangerous’: Defense Official Sounds Alarm After China Fails To Pick Up Crisis Hotline 

 Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe declined calls from his American counterpart after an Air Force-22 downed a Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina on Saturday, creating a “really dangerous” situation, U.S. defense officials said Thursday. 

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin tried to contact Fenghe via a special crisis line, hoping to discuss the situation and hopefully ease tensions, according to the Associated Press. 

Fenghe declined to take the call after the U.S. Air Force shot balloon down on Feb. 4, the Pentagon said following the incident. A spokesperson for China’s defense ministry said in a statement Thursday that the minister refused the call because the U.S. had “not created the proper atmosphere,” for the two parties to dialogue and had “seriously violated international norms and set a pernicious precedent,” AP reported.  

Read more ....  

Update: ‘It just rang’: In crises, US-China hotline goes unanswered (AP)  

WNU Editor: This is nothing new. The U.S. - China military hotline has been broken for the past few years as this 2021 Politico article explains .... ‘Spiral into crisis’: The U.S.-China military hotline is dangerously broken (Politico). And the problems are deeper than just not having someone answer the "hotline" .... Another 'Hotline' with China Isn't the Answer (RAND).


Anonymous said...

How is Milley going to give his counterpart a heads up of what Biden is doing?

Anonymous said...

China caused a P-3 Navy recon plane to be forced down on Hainan island early in George Bush I first term. They were belligerent then. Best way to deal with China is decouple and build a military to beat them. Bush and Obama slept while China stole our technology. Now we have a growing crisis.

copley7 said...
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Anonymous said...

And with this bunch the crisis is already here. Time is not on our side, especially when this time is wasted on CRT, trannies, hate of southerners or anyone remotely a Trump supporter, and all the other hours wasted on BS training.

I know 2 Army NCO's bailing out as soon as soon as they can. One already put in his papers and the other mustering out in 2024. None want to be around for the War Parties next disaster and lead by a doddering old fool and loser Milley.

Anonymous said...

The govt would just call them back, no problem

Anonymous said...

Bang on

Ron said...

apparently, Milley and his Chinese counterpart have each others personal cell numbers. why would they answer a "red" phone when Milley can use his speed dial and warn the chicoms that a f-22 is gonna shoot down their balloon.

Anonymous said...

Robert Hanssen had his Russian counterpart on speed dial.

Anonymous said...

"Classified Evening Briefing:" Mishandled and Stolen Documents Update

Anonymous said...

Marcy Wheeler has been a leftwing hack since the Scooter Libby days. Scooter Libby was convicted on a FBI process crime. The FBI is corrupt. What is more is why continue to investigate when you know that Armitage was the leaker. But of course Armitage never went to jail. that is justice in the Democrat Dominated capital.

Funny but when docs were first found at Biden's place they refused to tell us how many, which leads one to suspect a clean up. That alone pouts the number of docs in question and makes it look like a cover up.

But you stick with Marcy now, TNR, al Jazeera and all the other bullcrap.

You're welcome former, retired hack

Anonymous said...

Trump has three times as many classified docs as did Biden or Pence and those two gave all they had back and Trump did not.

Anonymous said...

the Deep state claims Trump has 3 times more.

I do not think there is an accurate count of Joe's documents. Unless there is an accounting system, which has been kept up where documents are tracked, inventory checked and a log of who saw them last, we may never know how many documents Biden took.

Obviously, they do not inventory documents often enough, because Sandy Berger walked out with lots of documents. It is a Democrat prerogative. Based on Berger's actions it does not appear that documents are inventoried monthly. I would not expect documents to be inventoried monthly. There are too many.

I would expect documents that have been used recently to be inventoried daily. That is reasonable.

For all we know documents could have been photocopied on an unclassified photocopier and subsequently burned in the fireplace.

-I appreciate your support for dementia case Biden. I do. I know you don't because you do not know the meaning of the word. You being you and illiterate and all.

- You support Joe who called a woman "a lying dog faced pony soldier". Well, Trump said Megan Kelly was bloody something. i was chagrinned when Trump said it. Democrats however never batted an eye when Biden laid into a citizen. Megan Kelly is worth millions and can take care of herself. the citizen not so much against a pol like Joe.

- The 3X argument is a weak one. The content is what matters. Some content is worth more than others.

Obama has thousands upon thousands of documents stored in a decrepit former store in Chicago. There is classified documents there. You know there is when the political archives org preemptively gave him a clean bill of health, The same organization that royally fucked up ad allowed documents to go to Pence, Biden and so many others. Those Obama documents are for his library which has nit been built because 8 years or something.

Anonymous said...

Obama=no proof he was ever asked to give anything back. No FBI raid. No national archives claim stuff missing from him.

Biden? how much? Trump?
ok: here is Trump, Biden, Pence all studied for what they had, what these were, and how reclaimed:

Classified Evening Briefing Mishandled and Stolen Documents Update
stop wasting time with silly speculation and deal with data

Anonymous said...

Just because the national archives does not ask for anything back does not mean he does not have anything.

It is well established that documents can be missing for months or years before the archives notices or ask for it.