Thursday, February 2, 2023

Pentagon Says Chinese Spy Balloon Flying Over The United States Right Now


Daily Mail: Chinese spy balloon the size of three buses is spotted floating over Montana for DAYS as US mobilizes F-22 Raptors to intercept: Biden wanted to shoot it down but Pentagon advised him not to because of falling debris 

* A Chinese surveillance balloon has been hovering over the northern U.S. for the past few days, the Pentagon confirmed on Thursday 

* Defense officials discussed shooting it out of the sky on Wednesday while it was above Billings, Montana - but decided instead to monitor it closely 

* F-22 Raptors were sent from Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada, but they did not engage with the object 

A massive Chinese surveillance balloon has been hovering over the northern United States for the last few days, senior defense officials confirmed on Thursday - with Joe Biden being briefed on Wednesday about his options, including shooting it out of the sky. 

Biden suggested the high-altitude balloon should be shot down, after it was spotted and reported by civilians in a commercial airliner, U.S. officials told The Wall Street Journal. 

The Pentagon opposed the move, fearing civilian casualties if the giant balloon - the size of three buses - is exploded in the air.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This spy balloon has been over the US homeland for 3 days!!!! The Chinese are clearly testing US AND Canadian political and military responses. 

What is astounding is that the US is permitting the Chinese to keep their spy balloon in American airspace. The right thing to do is to immediately shoot down this spy balloon. That is the America that I remember growing up. But today's America .... it is a different country. 

Pentagon Says Chinese Spy Balloon Flying Over The United States Right Now  

Pentagon: Chinese spy balloon spotted over Western US -- AP  

Chinese spy balloon flying over the United States, Pentagon says -- Reuters  

U.S. Detects Suspected China Spy Balloon Hovering Over Northwest -- DNYUZ/New York Times 

Chinese spy balloon flying over U.S. ‘right now,’ Pentagon says -- Washington Post  

Large Chinese spy balloon spotted over the US, officials say -- ABC News  

US government monitoring suspected Chinese spy balloon over northern states -- FOX News

Pentagon tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon over the US -- CNN  

US tracking suspected Chinese surveillance balloon -- BBC  

Chinese spy balloon flying over US airspace, says Pentagon -- SKY News  

Pentagon says it is monitoring Chinese spy balloon spotted flying over US -- The Guardian  

US tracking suspected Chinese spy balloon spotted over Montana -- Insider 

Everything Known About The Chinese Spy Balloon Currently Floating Over The U.S. -- Forbes  

U.S. tracking suspected Chinese surveillance balloon flying over nation -- Axios  

Suspected Chinese spy balloon floating over US 'not a threat,' Pentagon says -- Breaking Defense


Anonymous said...

Wna only now finds out that the US is a chicken shit. US only looks good when they start wars against Syria, Libya, Afghanistan Iraq etc...

Anonymous said...

Biden is a deep cover Chinese agent. The USA is fucked beyond recall.

Anonymous said...

There’s no additional intel that satellites can’t see. Doesn’t pose a threat unless shot down and lands on somebody’s cows.

Anonymous said...

'We have friends on American continent': Putin's sinister threat to U.S. as he brings 'nuclear football' to Stalingrad WW2 ceremony

Volodymyr Putin warns 'we have friends on American continent'

Volodymyr is not the only one

"David Coleman Headley, a Muslim terrorist born in America to a Pakistani diplomat and an American mother, had been trained by Lashkar-e-Taiba after 9/11, and scouted targets for the Mumbai attack: including the Jewish community center. Some of the terrorists carried SIM cards from the United States suggesting that there may have been more American Muslims involved.

Lashkar-e-Taiba had a long history of recruiting Americans: including members of the Virginia Jihad Network"

Kind of easy when you allow baby jihad and the southern border does not exist.

If you can smuggle a few hundred thousand people a year plus fentanyl by the truckload, you can smuggle agents, guns and a whole lot more.

Plus Milley and Austin are obvious cowards, They won't shoot down that balloon.

In fact the whole White House is full of cowards.

"The Swiss-German newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) reports that Joe Biden offered Russian President Vladimir Putin 20% of Ukraine in exchange for a peace treaty. The offer was made by CIA Director William Burns during a top-secret trip to Moscow in January."

PS: Rick Moran is a coward too.

Joe figures the balloon makes him loom weak and it will reflect in the polls. He figures there is little risk in shooting it down. One of the few times he is brave or has the correct answer. I don't WTF chub Austin and bear Milley are thinking.

Anonymous said...

I blame Wendell Wilkie

Anonymous said...

In Your Face: Xi Sends Giant Spy Balloon Over US Days Before Blinken Trip to Beijing

Nothing but puds in the WH.

RussInSoCal said...

It's very strange to have the USAF and US government track the ChiCom balloon, watch the balloon traipse and loiter over our northern tier, acknowledge that the ChiCom balloon is a spy balloon, and then publicly decide NOT to bring the balloon down.

Anonymous said...

One, the reasoning given is that the balloons data collection capability is not much greater than a satellite and two they are worried about falling debris.

You can evacuate people from the shoot down area. China can be billed for any property damage.

The damage to national prestige is hard to recoup. That is as imnportant or more impirtant then property damage.

Anonymous said...

No, don't be stupid about WNU Ed.
As for the China Spy Balloon...I kind of like the "whatever" approach

Anonymous said...

At this point What difference does it make?
It came, We saw, it left.

Anonymous said...

But it's also like N. Korea level creepy on China's part. We'll get the next one.

Anonymous said...

good one

Anonymous said...

Problem is that maybe they can calibrate their satellites with it--defeating my copper hat with colloidal silver.

RussInSoCal said...

/thing ought to be downed, examined, the ChiCom Ambassador impaled upon its hardware and then a B-21 ought to drop it onto the ChiCom Congress offices.



Anonymous said...

Is it a ChiComs balloon they're tracking of us it a cover story for something else? Keep ducking....

Anonymous said...

LOL, all this excitement over a balloon. Remember the movie 1942!? 🤣

Anonymous said...

the story posted about Biden is Bullshit!
check it out via google etc
"They have other means to spy out American infrastructure, or whatever information they wanted to obtain. The balloon was to send a signal to the Americans, and also to see how the Americans would react," explained Dr Ho - coordinator of the China programme at Singapore's S Rajaratnam School of International Studies.

It may even be the case that China wanted the US to detect the balloon.

"It's possible that being spotted was the whole point. China might be using the balloon to demonstrate that it has a sophisticated technological capability to penetrate US airspace without risking a serious escalation. In this regard, a balloon is a pretty ideal choice," said Arthur Holland Michel from the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs.

Anonymous said...

That would be hard-core lol

Anonymous said...

former retired brigade open up with the big mouth at 0907