Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Russian Foreign Minister Says Russia-West Ties Have Reached A 'Point Of No Return'

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov delivers a speech at parliament, February 15, 2023. © Sputnik/Grigory Sysoev

Newsweek: Russia-West Ties Reach 'Point of No Return' Amid Ukraine War: Lavrov 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has blamed the U.S. and its Western allies for pushing ties with Moscow to the "point of no return" by supporting Ukrainian efforts to resist the Kremlin's ongoing invasion. 

Addressing members of the Duma—the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russia—on Wednesday, Lavrov reeled off a list of grievances with Western nations, which he accused of seeking a "cordon sanitaire" around Russia. 

The West, Lavrov told Russian lawmakers according to the state-run Tass news agency, has a policy of "many years of containment of Russia" alongside "the transformation of fraternal Ukraine into anti-Russia, into a Russophobic military stronghold."

Lavrov complained about NATO expansion since the end of the Cold War; a long-term Russian gripe cited by Russian President Vladimir Putin as one of many justifications for years-long Russian aggression against Ukraine. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Policy of converting Ukraine into anti-Russia reaches point of no return — Lavrov (TASS)  

Update #2: Russia-West relations at 'point of no return' -Russian foreign ministry (Reuters)  

WNU editor: Lavrov's remarks are a confirmation to me that when it comes to Ukraine, Russia will not engage in any peace talks with the West.


RussInSoCal said...

I think Sergei needs to abandon his pathetic comb-over.

Anonymous said...

When Russia would have sat down to negotiate with the West in the beginning of the war the West was playing hardball now the ball is on the other court..unfortunately. Don't be fooled by the media constantly pushing the US and the EU are the only countries on this planet abd Russia is all by themselves BIG MISTAKE

Anonymous said...

Good. Lavrov needs a cell in Spandau. I'm sick of his shit.

Anonymous said...

Not happening, But you can send Zelinski to see his buddy Big Al. :)

Anonymous said...

Top Putin defence official, 58, plunges 160ft to her death from 16th-floor tower block window - the latest high-ranking figure to die in mysterious circumstances

Things are going so well in La La Land.

Anonymous said...

'Imagine if a Republican said that?' Outrage as President refers to Maryland's first black governor as 'boy' in speech

Things are going really well in the USA. Democrats are grabbing hold of dynamite, lighting it and keep holding it. I

It is a beautiful sight.

The near enemy is going to be defeated in the next 2 or 3 years. We will fully concentrate on the far enemy afterwards.

Anonymous said...


Yes in la la land

Just like Epstein, The DC madam, Vince foster, Scalia and assorted other individuals in the US and Seth Rich . Didn't the FBI say they had his computer after a year of saying it was not in their possession?

Anonymous said...

I believe Vince Foster and Seth rich were murdered at the orders by high level Democrats. Some of the alleged reported inconsistencies with the Foster murder were that the gun was the wrong color and in the wrong hand. I don't think there is enough public interest that the case would be reopened and the Democrat establishment especially the Clintons do not want it reopened. after the evil Clintons pass on due to old age, there won't be any interest in such a cold case. People might be rash and make bad decision based on the flimsiest of pretexts, but Forster's 'suicide makes no sense. Financial difficulties? Professional achievement? Does not fit IMO.

Seth Rich is more recent. If Joe Biden goes down, his case will be reopened.

You missed one Russki. You missed the murder of John Wheeler, who was found in a Delaware dump. Did not think of it at the time ... but Delaware. Did not know at the time that Joe Biden was a corrupt mother.

The murder “had to be a professional hit job ... I don’t know why, but he had some of the highest security clearances in this country.” - retired Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney

Could have been the Russians, Chinese, Iranians or some American group. He could have had a stroke and then subsequently have been mugged and thrown in a dumpster. Otherwise IMO he I agree with the general. It also appears that whoever did it had 2 bites out of the apple. that is he was accosted twice. I have a suspicion that while the autopsy would be difficult due to decay, it was also done like shit. The case is over 11 years old and where is the FB fcking I? No one cares except for the new media.

The DC Madam is a nothing burger. There are madams in every capital taking care of the rich, connected and powerful. If there aren't, there is something wrong. Zeb Jones explained to John Lyle how the world works. It is the way Beijing works. Right now the FBI know who(singular or plural) has replaced the DC Madam. They will do nothing until the someone at the DNC or someone wants some john to get pinched. Then politcos and public can be justifiably outraged.

The only thing good about the Russian oligarchs showing off their mistresses is that they are open about it. It is almost stupid to begrudge a rich person the mistress. If they partake of other things that is unknown time since I do not live in Moscow.

But stuff like Epstein seems to be a world wide phenomena. There was a British scandal a few decades back. Probably happens in Russia, but i have no proof.

The FBI is corrupt. Not going to defend that one

Anonymous said...

everything is bad, fixed, against us. we are screwed. the dark forces of the elites piss on us

Anonymous said...

10:26 is that you agreeing with me, so you hope I curl up into the fetal position?

nah I rather kick you ion the ass only to have you turn around wanting to strike back and then knock you the fck out.

u hav it coming

Anonymous said...

Dude shut the fuck up...why are you posted paragraphs of nonsense that doesn't relate to the topic at hand? I dont understand why this site brings in people like you. Creat your own blog and post your shit there.