Thursday, February 16, 2023

Russian Media Says New Corroborating Evidence Has Emerged Supporting Seymour Hersh's Report That The U.S. Was Responsible For The Nord Stream Pipeline Attack

Gas leak at Nord Stream 2 as seen from the Danish F-16 interceptor on Bornholm, Denmark September 27, 2022. Danish Defence Command/Forsvaret Ritzau Scanpix/via REUTERS 

Sputnik: New Corroborating Evidence Emerges Showing US Trace Behind Nord Stream Blasts 

US investigative journalist Sy Hersh opened a Pandora’s Box of incriminating evidence that purportedly directly links the Biden administration to September’s sabotage attacks against the Nord Stream gas pipeline network. On Wednesday, Russia called a special Security Council meeting to discuss the new information. 

An email forwarded to Sputnik by a US journalist from an individual identifying themselves as a servicemember that took part in last summer’s NATO BALTOPS 22 exercises in waters near the site of the Nord Stream pipeline explosions provides new information corroborating last week's bombshell Substack report on the incident by Seymour Hersh.  

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WNU Editor: On an issue like this Russian media will need more than "anonymous sources" to make their case.


Ron said...

There are three things you need to show in order to have evidence of a murder. First is:
1)intention. a suspect yelling "I will kill" you or a president and top advisor saying the pipeline will be shredded at the bottom of the ocean if Russia invades).

2) Opportunity. You have to put the suspect at the scene. The US and some allies were all over that area in a training exercise prior to the explosion.

3) Means. You have to show the suspect had the means to kill, such as knife or gun or bat ect. The US and some of its allies certainly have the means.

Right now it is still circumstantial but the USA is the prime suspect.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. It was the US in conjunction with the Brits.

The famous text
It is done

Anonymous said...

I am disgusted as an American at my government for committing this act of war against Russia and Germany both. President Trump would have never ordered such a foul deed, but Biden is insane, as are so many of our leaders. Unfortunately, the enemy controls the media in this nation, and so we can expect for this situation to continue to its ultimate conclusion--the destruction of this nation and perhaps the destruction of the world.

Hans Persson said...

We don't know any of that, we have no idea how a Trump would react to this.

But what is clearly an overreaction is the measures taken during and after the pandemic. Everything seems to get an overreaction last few years.

It's like someone is doing shady shitty stuff while dangling big obvious balloons for the public to overreact at.