Thursday, February 16, 2023

Senior Russian Diplomat Warns That Civilian Satellites Used By The Military In The Ukraine War Could Become Targets


RT: Russia issues space warning  

Civilian satellites used by the military could become targets, a senior Moscow diplomat has cautioned  

The US and its allies are exposing civilian space assets to potential attack by utilizing them for military purposes, a senior Russian diplomat has warned. The warning came after NATO unveiled plans for a space monitoring fleet that will use commercial and military satellites for its missions.

Konstantin Vorontsov, deputy director of the non-proliferation and weapons control directorate in the Russian Foreign Ministry, said on Thursday that the US is weaponizing space and blurring the boundaries between military and civilian infrastructure in orbit.  

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WNU Editor: Everyday I am seeing more and more escalation in this conflict. No one is clearly interested in de-escalating the situation.


Anonymous said...

Putin and his backers made this mess. They made the bed, so they can lie in it.

Putin can scream like Hitler about what a two timing, shift character Biden is to the Russian public.

What Putin dare not do is tell the Russian public, when the wife of the mayor of Moscow gave Hunter Biden all that money. Or what else they did on similar vein.

Biden thinks he is all that and a bag of chips. Wonder Why? Could it be some of the moolah Russia and China shoveled his way?

I have an apartment in Shanghai and I cannot fracking use it, because war might break out. Missing out in visiting. Culinary opportunities. Sight seeing like walking around a particular mountain 7 times for good luck. Making money above the table teaching English.

I would guess learning Russian is trending higher.

Mr Nobody said...

From a purely military point of view. The Russians should have done this a long time ago.