Thursday, February 16, 2023

Seymour Hersh Says More Nord Stream ‘Bombshells’ To Come


Seymour Hersh: The Crap on the Wall 

This a brief combat report from the battlefield here and abroad in the aftermath of the release last Wednesday of my story about Joe Biden’s decision to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines. 

First, many thanks for your interest in what the pipeline story was all about: a very dangerous Presidential decision. You are careful readers.

I’m an old hand at dropping bombshell stories that are based on the disclosures of sources I do not, and cannot, name. There is a pattern to the response by the mainstream media. It dates back to my breakthrough story: the My Lai massacre revelation. That story was published in five installments, over five weeks in 1969, by the underground media group Dispatch News. I had tried to get the two most important magazines in America, Life and Look, to publish the story, with no success. Editors at both publications had earlier invited me to do some freelance writing for them, but they wanted nothing to do with a story about a massacre committed by American soldiers.  

Read more ....  

Previous Post: Seymour Hersh: US President Biden Ordered The CIA And Navy Special Forces To Destroy The Nord Stream Pipelines (February 8, 2023)  

WNU Editor: The transcript to the above video from Democracy Now is here .... Reporter Seymour Hersh on “How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline”: Exclusive TV Interview (Democracy Now). And yes. Unlike the Western press, Russian media is following Seymour Hersh's reporting on the bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline .... More Nord Stream ‘bombshells’ to come – Seymour Hersh (RT). 

Here are two good analysis/summaries on Seymour Hersh and his reporting on the Nord Stream attack .... Biden Willing To Let Germans Freeze In Blowing Up Pipeline: Seymour Hersh Interview (Zero Hedge), and here .... Hersh on Nord Stream Attack: “The Fear was Europe Would Walk Away From the War” (The Gateway Pundit). 

As to what is my take. 

No surprises in the reporting by Seymour Hersh, but he provides details that no one else has reported on. Since he is a reporter that will only use 3 or more sources, my gut tells me that a lot of intelligence/military/and political individuals in Washington want to tell him this story, a fact that he himself has made very clear .... Nord Stream blast story was ‘not hard to find’ – author (RT). I also find it very unsettling that Putin has said nothing about Seymour Hersh and his reporting. This is not like him.


Anonymous said...

When will Germany wake up to this and realize that the US is no friend, but playing both sides. This will eventually come back to bite us in the arse.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, he is to prominent and well known to murder.

It is like a baseball that is throw up into the air and reaches its apogee and the just hangs there for an unreal amount of time. You expect the baseball should be descending by now. you expect something has got to give but it hasn't.

I expected Biden to be Joe by May 2021 or May 2022 by the latest. Yet, they continue to carry out the farce.

It could get worse. They could embalm a deceased Democrat, put them in a open coffin. Tile it almost upright and run them for president and have them win. And many people would not care. Some would reason it does not matter if the president is a corpse. all that matter is that he appoint the right staff.

The late Jerry Doyle had it right. He said if a huge umber of Americans went to Dc to protest, TPTB would simply "wait us out." We have to go back to work to eat and whatever. After we left TPTB would pass what ever law they wanted and spend how ever much they wanted.

Jerry Doyle BTW was blacklisted by Hollywood. Liberals like to bleat about HUAC, but it they, who are continuously, nonstop blacklisting people today.

Anonymous said...

HERSH seems to have relied on but one source for this story.He has been both right and clearly wrong in his earlier exposes. I wait for more evidence but note you cite Zero Hedge, another anon source.

Anonymous said...

On so important a topic it should take more than a "gut feeling." That sort of thing does not stand up in court.

Anonymous said...

Yes 10:15, it will come back to bite you Russians in the arse.

Anonymous said...

If Putin says the US did this, he will paint himself into a box. He will have no choice but to declare war.

Do you like mushroom clouds with your morning coffee?

Anonymous said...

I do like mushroom clouds with my coffee. I always expected it to end this way in the 1980s; the russians being such jag offs and all.

Hans Persson said...

He's going to contract a sudden heart attack soon.

Anonymous said...

It’s all it took to impeach a sitting president not once, but twice. Evidence is a thing of the past don’t ya know, do try to keep up

Anonymous said...

Yes Hans, figure if they were going to kill him it would be something that was ingested during a meal. They would not go the Russian way and use polonium or something.

If they could pick the coroner or know that the local coroner is a slacker, it might not be found. If they are good it might not be found anyway.

Anonymous said...

Half of you are predisposed to dismiss anything that exposes the empire's ugly side so Hersh is no threat to the status quo and there's no reason to kill him.

Anonymous said...

Hersh's story reminds me of the "cognitive infiltration" model advocated by former Obama official Cass Sunstein. The idea is to cover up a real story with a tinfoil hat narrative. Many of the small details in Hersh's story ultimately destroy rather than add to its credibility, but it is clear that he bases his stories on leaks from government sources. So, I surmise that some sort of paramilitary skulduggery happened, and it is necessary to obscure that with a bodyguard of improbable and disprovable paranoid delusions leaked by government officials. This sort of thing has been true of many of Hersh's stories... since about the time of the Obama administration.

Anonymous said...

Can you point to an example or two from the nordstream story that is disprovable? Genuine question, would be interested to learn something.