Friday, February 17, 2023

South Korean Defense Paper Refers To North Korea As 'Our Enemy' For The First Time In Six Years


FOX News: South Korea refers to North as 'our enemy' for first time in six years as tensions heighten 

South Korea's description of North Korea in defense papers has historically reflected the relationship between the two countries. 

South Korea called North Korea "our enemy" for the first time in six years in its biennial defense document published on Thursday. 

The Associated Press reported the document said, "North Korea doesn't give up its nukes and is persistently posing military threats to us, so the North Korean government and military… is our enemy." 

The country's description of its rival in defense papers typically reflects the relationship between the two. During past times of animosity, South Korea referred to its neighbor as the "main enemy," "present enemy" or "enemy." 

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: This same defense paper says North Korea has about 70kg of plutonium .... South Korea defence paper calls North 'enemy', estimates plutonium stockpile at 70 kg (Reuters). 

South Korean Defense Paper Refers To North Korea As 'Our Enemy' For The First Time In Six Years  

South Korea defense report revives ‘enemy’ label for North -- AP  

South Korea brands North Korea an enemy state -- DW  

South Korea’s official defence document calls North ‘enemy’ again -- France 24 

South Korea revives 'enemy' label for North Korea, estimates plutonium stockpile at 70kg -- ABC News Australia 

S. Korea redeclares N.Korea as ‘enemy’ in defense white paper -- The Korea Herald  

South Korea Defense Report Revives 'Enemy' Label for North -- The Diplomat


Anonymous said...

South Korea at least only provokes another nuclear nation only through words..

our "leaders" (unelected criminals who manipulate elections and place politicians) are poking the biggest nuclear nation (by number of warheads and size of warheads) in the face, claiming Putin is a crazy hitler maniac (just like Trump was), and its not our broken promises not to expand NATO right up to their very borders, that might be part of the issue... or the (albeit small number but real influential) number of nazis among the Ukrainians, nor the election we manipulated in 2014...

The US is literally bombing the pipeline from US and hurts its allies including Germany, by the trillions!

Only now that the population is waking up to this, questions are being asked in the German parliament, thanks to the reporting of this investigative journalist, forgot his name...

Same with covid.. without Matt Taibi's investigative journalism, we wouldn't know how Twitter colluded to even censor Harvard and Standford immunologists, on behalf of Pfizer

The crimes are so vast, the lies so big, that most people still do not comprehend why I call for trials and death penalty for many of the people involved, who are currently pushing market destabilizations, wars, depopulation, pedophelia, transgenderism, racism and critical race theory, all that satanic and divisive stuff, on an unknowing population. Tearing culture and history apart, pitting black against white against asians.

They are doing it.
They are pure evil.

Never believed in God or the devil, but once you grasp the vastness of their doing, their inhumane behaviour - for the lack of other words - you quickly start to believe.

They are literal demons at the nuclear trigger, trying to get rid of people who ask questions about countless dead, trillions missing...

Do not hand them the football!

Anonymous said...

lthe post aboive is totally wrong and I challenge the comment maker to point to solid evidence for any claim he has made. Go show us you are not full of beans. Prove me wrong with data, facts, evidence.

as for South Korea: the was has never been settled with a peace agreement but merely a cease fire. Therefore, North Korea is in fact the enemy.

Anonymous said...

11:20 is troll and troll is going to troll.

Anonymous said...

11:20 is troll and troll is going to troll.

February 17, 2023 at 1:11 PM
the above is a classic redneck cracker comment! ask for proof and you get bullshit from a bullshitter