Thursday, February 16, 2023

The U.S. Wants Other Countries To Adopt Guidelines On The Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Their Military

FILE PHOTO: Illustration picture of ChatGPT. Reuters  

Defense One: US Woos Other Nations for Military-AI Ethics Pact 

State Department and Pentagon officials hope to illuminate a contrast between the United States and China on AI 

The U.S. will spell out ethics, principles, and practices for the use of artificial intelligence in military contexts in a new declaration Thursday, with the hope of adding cosigners from around the world. 

The announcement is intended to highlight a "contrast" between the U.S. approach and what one senior defense official called "the more opaque policies of countries like Russia and China." 

U.S. Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie Jenkins will announce the declaration at an AI in warfare conference in the Netherlands.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Using artificial platforms for military applications is the next big thing. 

The U.S. Wants Other Countries To Adopt Guidelines On The Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Their Military  

US launches artificial intelligence military use initiative -- AP  

US issues declaration on responsible use of AI in the military -- Reuters 

US launches artificial intelligence military use initiative to promote international cooperation -- Republic World  

US proposes guidelines for responsible AI use by military -- Tech Monitor  

U.S., China, other nations urge 'responsible' use of military AI -- Reuters


RussInSoCal said...

The responsible use of AI in the military would be zero use of AI in the military. Any/all military's.

/I mean its worked out so well for Tesla...

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the inventors of the "signature strike" will find lots of traction on this. Spent a decade using 5kb of metadata to drop hellfire missiles on weddings and suddenly we all need to be careful about a computer making the same decision.

Anonymous said...

You can bet China doesn't give a shit about AI "ethics." They have no ethics.

Anonymous said...

Well, so much for the future!

Adam said...

Yup. More bullshit arms control that only morons like the US civilian and military leadership would probably follow. Better to be dominant in the field like our main enemy intends.

Anonymous said...

AI and Ethics? HAHHAHAA


You can already today see how chatGPT is programmed to support the side of the left.

Ask chatgpt about Obama: Great president, uniter is the answer

Ask chatgpt about Trump (who never started a war!!): Divisive, dangerous man

They put this shit in schools
They indoctrinate us all
They promote war mongers over peace keepers
They will never stop .. we have to hang them

Anonymous said...


And what do you get from that?

Your brand new 1980s Robo cop movie ED 209. :)

Hans Persson said...

I saw something very interesting lately, tank commanders using drones as close to mid scouts finding targets for them.

That my dear friends and bots is the future of warfare.

Hans Persson said...

I was referring to a video i saw of a Ukrainian tank doing this, all alone one a field on the front lines. You would also observe the aftermath.