Friday, February 17, 2023

Top US General Says No Military Winner Likely In Ukraine Conflict

Gen. Mark A. Milley  

Zero Hedge: No Military Winner Likely In Ukraine Conflict, Will End In Future Negotiations: Gen. Milley 

Coming off of meetings in Brussels this week with NATO military partners, Joint Chiefs chairman Mark Milley was interviewed by the Financial Times, discussing his vision for the potential end-game in Ukraine, as well as recent reports of weapons and ammo stockpiles in the West being fast depleted while arming Kiev. In his view, neither side is likely to prevail, in what will be a protracted conflict eventually ending in negotiations.

"It will be almost impossible for the Russians to achieve their political objectives by military means," Milley asserted. "It is unlikely that Russia is going to overrun Ukraine. It’s just not going to happen." But he also conceded that it will be "very, very difficult for Ukraine this year to kick the Russians out of every inch" of territory now captured and controlled by Kremlin forces.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: Good point (see tweet below).


Anonymous said...

This means they already have the solution. US, Western and Ukrainian top leaders also say every week that ending the war cannot happen through negotiations. Nor on the filed. Meaning, there is no emd to this war for long.

Anonymous said...

There are no winners in a nuclear war. Which is where the western political class is leading us. The war needs to be turned off & unconditional peace talks started. Keep ducking

Anonymous said...

What would be the difference, if the Munich agreement of 1038 had not existed and Hitler had to invade Czechoslovakia only for it to take a full year and tens of thousands of casualties? Might the invasion of Poland be forestalled or not gone so well?

1) The weaknesses of Russian military were revealed.
2) Russia took 200,000 irreplaceable casualties.
3) If the war ends now, Russia is more of a pariah than if it ended then.
4) If the war had been concluded then, China might be inclined to kick off their war sooner.

200,000 casualties is nothing, because Russia is big country. Does WNU have family in the MoD? If there are are they all hiding out as legal or intel officers like Pete Buttegig?

ISW reports Russia is taking over Belarus's defense industries. It won't be long before Putler sets his sights on Moldova, the Baltic countries and beyond.

Anonymous said...

People are realizing that Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schoenbach, who was forced to resign after complaining that NATO is feeding Russia to China, is correct.

The 100 or so Western super tanks, mostly Leopard II, will be used like Nazi Germany's Tiger tanks at Normandy, and be used up in that role. Older tanks that have been or will be provided are maybe 500 T-72, and possibly soon about 200 Leopard I. Are these numbers of older tanks useful in the offensive? Possibly not. Useful in the defensive? Absolutely.

Tank count from Mystics & Statistics:

Anonymous said...

M moresilley is nothing more than a political hack and has been wrong on every pronouncement he's made on this conflict.

Our current military leadership will lead us to a catastrophe if we get directly involved

Dave Goldstein said...

Don't trust anything Arnaud has to say. He is a complete Russian ally

Anonymous said...

ISW is a neocon hive mind.

Anonymous said...

everyone is wrong and no good

Anonymous said...

"ISW reports Russia is taking over Belarus's defense industries. It won't be long before Putler sets his sights on Moldova, the Baltic countries and beyond."

"ISW is a neocon hive mind."

ONE OF IS RIGHT AND ONE OF IS A TROLL. We shall see. Serial #s will tell the tale.

Anonymous said...

anyone who dislikes what i say is a troll

Anonymous said...

Isw is a neocon run organization.. Look at its members and board of directors. Skoda, Your Old buddy Billy Kristol is there

Anonymous said...

BTW Skod's,

Dave is right about take what he says with a grain of salt.

Anonymous said...

Cocksucker, I did not characterize ISW, which BTW WNU uses along with other sources. What I did was repeat it claim or observation that "Russia was talking over Belarus's defense industries."

That claim can be factually checked. Equipment made in Belarus will have serial number or maker's marks. We will see if it ends up in the Orkish Army. We'll also see if the Russians paid the going rate.

One more thing cocksucker. Define neocon. A movement such as neocon that has been around for over a century with a varying cast of characters is bound to have different interpretations, policies etc.

Anonymous said...

please do not ask us to fact-check things. We can make better and bigger claims if we use our imaginations and are crack fueled.

Anonymous said...

Once again there is a huge difference between the article itself and the spin some people are using.

First, let's establish the idea that saying "Ukraine won't win" is another way of saying "Russia will win." But Milley is very clear he does not believe that. "It will be almost impossible for the Russians to achieve their political objectives by military means. It is unlikely that Russia is going to overrun Ukraine. It's just not going to happen." At least both Zero Hedge and WNU Editor repeats that unlike this guy on Twitter. And of course, far from saying Russia has won or is winning, it is very clear Milley thinks that Russia has failed in its goals for the war (the destruction of Ukraine as a sovereign country and its subordination as vassal state to Russia).

I think it should be obvious to everyone that almost a year into the war, the current international situation is not the result Putin was looking for when he launched the "special military operation." Those dinner reservations some Russian officers made in Kyiv restaurants to happen two days after the attack weren't kept.

Second, let's look at the actual quote being used to say Ukraine won't win the war. Again, this is included in both FT and Zero Hedge, but people are ignoring what was actually said in favor of a shortened version that omits something important. I will highlight the thing people are missing. The full quote is "It is also very, very difficult for Ukraine THIS YEAR to kick the Russians out of every inch of Russian-occupied Ukraine. It's not to say that it can't happen… But it's extraordinarily difficult."

So Milley is not predicting a Ukrainian defeat or Russian victory. He is saying he thinks it is unlikely Ukraine can achieve all of its military goals in 2023. So far from saying "Ukraine won't win" per the Tweet, Milley has made no comments on the likelihood Ukraine can take back territory - perhaps significant amounts of territory - this year. Such an event could very well happen, though still leaving Russia with Ukrainian territory still occupied, and Milley would still be correct. That would simply puts termination of the war in 2024.

We will have a better idea what will happen only after we see the culmination of Russia's offensive and what happens during the next Ukrainian counter attack once the ground hardens (which may not be until May/June).


Anonymous said...


Why so sad?

You do not need t be so emotional or crude.

just letting you know that your sources love war and people being killed. Is that so bad?

No, Skoda, old buddy, you got to watch those DC guys. They really are not looking out for your best interests.

By the way, are you still having problems with SQL, history, cellular biology, and eating soup?

Anonymous said...

I figure Skoda is a swear word where you are from. You think you are clever, because you bilingual. Well, I return the favor. So cry baby cry.

Do not need to watch the DC guys. Defeat the far enemy first. Tough love bro

Anonymous said...

1:17. No that post was not for you.

it was for 2:50 of yesterday. Mr Skoda. Skoda is a interesting character. Intelligent in an off hand way, yes, Vulgar crude and emotional...very much so

Anonymous said...

Btw. I remember you too bro...
Still not have answered the questions

Anonymous said...

Mr 817 needs his mouth washed out with soap