Saturday, February 11, 2023

Tweets Of The Day


Anonymous said...

F-22 Shoots Down Another Object, This Time Over Canada (Updated)

So China fired their head balloon guy and blamed him. We know he is a fall guy and it is window dressing. But that obviously fake explanation did not last long on the face of it. Now there are two more objects shot down.

China just does not care. That is scary. China is not scared of drooling Joe and Obama. Xi, I assume, would be scared of being in the same room as Kamala as she exudes a powerful kind of stupid. It might be communicable.

The light over Hawaii are disturbing. Previous UFO sightings of UFOs warship being mobbed around the San Diego exercise area is disturbing.

China has been unimpressed by the US for a long time. What with Milley crying to his counterpart.

I believe that is private citizens had not seen the balloon over Montana due to the light h9ittig it just right, the leftist dominated military would have kept it hushed up. That in itself breed derision by China toward the US.

Anonymous said...

"THIS IS WHAT FASCISM LOOKS LIKE: New York City Teachers Who Refused The COVID Jab Had Their Fingerprints And Personnel Files Sent To The Corrupt FBI"

More government BS

Hans Persson said...

This is probably something completely different than a Chinese balloon.

Anonymous said...

Different than a balloon but probably still Chinese

Hans Persson said...

Yeah true, but still. Combine this with the green lasers over Hawaii. Something is going on.