Friday, February 17, 2023

Ukrainian Girls Going To War

WNU Editor: In the past 2-3 months I have seen numerous videos of Ukrainian teenage boys in uniform on or near the front lines. But this is the first time that I am seeing what looks like armed teenage girls traveling to the war-zone.


Anonymous said...

This is criminal. Barbaric and uncivilized.

This is Hitler in the bunker whole kids fight off the Soviet army in Berlin.

Zelinski needs to be shot for this.

If this was Africa, the msm would be screaming about the inhumanty of using children soldiers.

But for Ukraine, nothing is said. The press and NATO are co accomplices. Silence is consent.

Anonymous said...

Better then living under Russian occupation mine as well fight… think Russia will have to kill all 62 million Ukrainians to win this war it seems…

Anonymous said...

You are insane. There is no justification for this.

Anonymous said...

Except under Russian occupation every one of these girls would be raped by Russian soldiers on a daily basis… mine as well fight, got nothing to lose..the war crimes Russia is committing are a right up there with the NAZI’s

Anonymous said...

And google Stalingrad and women snipers… some were girls… Russia didn’t seem to mind then when their back was up against the wall

Anonymous said...

Russian troll(s)


Anonymous said...

GOP Operative Sentenced to 18 Months for Funneling Russian Money to Trump Campaign –

--Trump seeks to bar sexual assault evidence at trial

Anonymous said...

Over 100 children illegally employed by US slaughterhouse cleaning firm

Tasman Gleeson said...

And Putler hasn't done the same or worse. They are probably preparing them for military service. But Putler has done the same as Hitler. Indoctrinate and educate the cult of Putin. I have seen a vid of younger Russian children in uniform being prepared. And women in uniform is nothing new. How do you think the Spartans made the best warriors in the world. So Putler fan do F of.

Anonymous said...

We have no context for the image. Other than that they are women in the military we know nothing. What's more likely, that they are going to be used as infantry, or as support troops? That they are going to the front, or working somewhere in the rear? That they are heading east to face the Russians, or to the west and relieve men who can then go the front? Any answers won't be based on the evidence. But I doubt very much this busload of troops is bringing the next soldiers for the trenches at Bakhmut.

There is probably something like 40,000 women in the Russian military. I am sure some of them are also in Ukraine.

Are the young? They look so. But 18-20 year olds can look very young compared to people in their twenties.


Anonymous said...

All of you repliers to the first post^^^^^

Well, what a fine bunch of heroes we have here tonight. True valiant knights of the crown. Yes!! As the sit in thiner comfy little chairs with plenty of heat and light.

Send little girls to the trenches. That's the solution that these fat keyboard geriatrics come up with. Let the kids all get killed, but not before they experience a life of pain , desperation and suffering.

Not one of you putrid John Waynes could think of a simple solution. Send them out of harms way. Poland , Germany etc.. as refugees. that is one solution.

But no, cannot do that! Your pudgy hero zelkinski needs them for cannon fodder. So away they go.

But you all seem like the ukraininan fanatical support group types. Occupied Ukraine? What are you all a bunch of defeatists?

Not only defeatist, but full of sick sour old owl shit monsters who are perfectly fine with killing young kids.

You group of sickos are a great credit to society as inheritors of 2000 years worth of the western tradition and christianity.

Anonymous said...

Says the liberal fascist Troll.

Anonymous said...

Gee Skoda, I am glad I am not you.