Monday, February 13, 2023

United States Tells Its Citizens To Leave Russia Immediately

A car leaves the territory of the US Embassy in Moscow, Russia, 30 April 2021. [Yuri Kochetkov/EPA/EFE]  

Reuters: United States tells citizens: Leave Russia immediately 

MOSCOW, Feb 13 (Reuters) - The United States has told its citizens to leave Russia immediately due to the war in Ukraine and the risk of arbitrary arrest or harassment by Russian law enforcement agencies. 

"U.S. citizens residing or traveling in Russia should depart immediately," the U.S. embassy in Moscow said. "Exercise increased caution due to the risk of wrongful detentions." 

"Do not travel to Russia," the embassy said. 

The United States has repeatedly warned its citizens to leave Russia. The last such public warning was in September after President Vladimir Putin ordered a partial mobilisation.

"Russian security services have arrested U.S. citizens on spurious charges, singled out U.S. citizens in Russia for detention and harassment, denied them fair and transparent treatment, and convicted them in secret trials or without presenting credible evidence," the embassy said.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: This is nothing new. The US Embassy in Moscow warned its citizens to leave Russia in September. 

United States Tells Its Citizens To Leave Russia Immediately 

U.S. Warns Citizens to Leave Russia, Citing Draft, Security Risks -- Moscow Times  

US tells citizens to leave Russia immediately -- The Hill  

US Embassy in Moscow calls for residents to leave Russia 'immediately' -- MENAFN  

Russia Might Force U.S. Citizens Living in Country To Fight for Them -- Newsweek


Anonymous said...

Just leave

Anonymous said...

This does not bode well for anyone. My guess is that there will soon be missiles fired at Russian cities, including Moscow. After that? I do not want to think about it. Have food and water stocked up. Don't forget the iodine.

Anonymous said...

well the editor says it is nothing new. But with the possibility of the DEFCON being raised, it is of concern

Any body got any confirmation on the current DEFCON level is? btw you cannot get it off the internet...tried that. if you know someone in DoD or an associate agency that would be the only way..
BTW DEFCON level is not classified marterial or info.

Anonymous said...

No worries. Putn's children will bein fallout shelters. They will survive, but there will be no spouses for them except for each other. They be inbred within 20 years.

Anonymous said...

We are at Defcom 3, according to

Anonymous said...

something big is coming. when US tell citizens to leave. wth

Anonymous said...


We are at Defcom 3, according to

February 13, 2023 at 10:47 AM

Thank you for sending this.

Yes, I did find this site. It is pretty good. but here is a caveat...It is not a DOD site. The DEFCON level posted there is based on the "site owners estimate". of what they

"think the DEFCON level" is.

Take Care and good hunting...I still have not heard back from the folks I know. Usually, they a pretty responsive. Maybe they are busy or do not want to say anything..... IDRK

Anonymous said...

Something big?

Obama comes out from behind the Green Curtain and assumes his 3rd term in the open?

We know Dementan Joe isn't running things.

Has Joe been sighted since the SOTUS?

I think there was 1 interview since SOTUS and it was a complete disaster. Coming off a drug high is always bad.

So other than that PR disaster interview, drugged up Joe has had a long, long, looong weekend.

Anonymous said...

11:16 AM

white trash: Biden gave state of the union speech and it was a huge success and his numbers went way up. grow up and try to live beyond your upbringing

Anonymous said...

Oh I do not think 11:16 Is so bad. Was Biden's speech a huge success? No, it was ok, but if you are a believer, then for you, it probably was a big success.
Did his Polls go up? All that matters is where you take the polls. Did you only do a random sample of frisco, Portland and Minneapolis, then yes his polls probably did go up.
Did they bother polling anyone in Bismarck ND, or Wolf Point Montana?
No probably not.

Anonymous said...


No, according to 538 poll and RCP poll Biden's poll numbers have been flat since Feb 7th.