Monday, February 13, 2023

U.S. General Overseeing North American Airspace Hasn’t ‘Ruled Out Anything’ – Even Aliens


Reuters: General Hasn’t ‘Ruled Out Anything’ – Even Aliens – After 3rd Unidentified Object Shot Down 

The U.S. Air Force general overseeing North American airspace said on Sunday after a series of shoot-downs of unidentified objects that he would not rule out aliens or any other explanation yet, deferring to U.S. intelligence experts. 

Asked whether he had dismissed an extraterrestrial origin for three airborne objects shot down by U.S. warplanes in as many days, General Glen VanHerck said: “I’ll let the intel community and the counterintelligence community figure that out. I haven’t ruled out anything.” 

“At this point we continue to assess every threat or potential threat, unknown, that approaches North America with an attempt to identify it,” said VanHerck, head of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) and Northern Command. 

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WNU Editor: I am sure the Pentagon knows what they are shooting down.


RussInSoCal said...

Yes we can all rule out "aliens". These government talking heads are all trolls.

Anonymous said...

These are distraction stories to deflect from the pipeline disaster.

Anonymous said...

"I am sure the Pentagon knows what they are shooting down."

The Biden administration wants to slow walk the release of information that these(probably) are Chinese balloons. A week or two later when they do release information they will call it old news.

White House slaps down Chuck Schumer and says it's TOO early to 'categorize' craft shot down over Alaska and Canada - after Senate Majority leader said they WERE spy balloons

I find Schumer running his mouth to be distressing. He is out there on TV trying to look important.

Well, Schumer is important. Daniel Greenfield has written that Schumer is the conduit of East Coast money (from leftwing donors to the DNC) and Pelosi for the West Coast.

Schumer is im0prtant.He is not as smart as he thinks he is nor important on the world stage as he thinks he is.

For the record there is no pipeline disaster. Russia held up American energy companies, hospitals, seed companies and more.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that the US government is referring to unidentified objects rather than balloons. If these are merely balloons, then something very important is going on somewhere else. These reports are distractions unless they are advanced drones performing specific hostile tasks perhaps with weapons of some sort aboard. Russia has some of the very best intelligence services & satalites. They knew who blew up Nordstream & how & they probably knew it fairly swiftly. They must have agents in the US military, industrial, intelligence, political, media complex. Did Milley call up his opposite number in Moscow & inform him of the operation like he promised to do with his Chinese opposite number? Seymour Hirsh's articles would not have been a revelation to anyone paying attention to the Ukraine war. Nor to any government with intelligence services. Something sinister is going on sonewhere I fancy. Keep ducking.....

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure the yetis just learned to fly

Anonymous said...

Is that an activated sleeper or did some one do a bad job donning sheep's clothing?

Anonymous said...

China hits back and says the U.S. has flown at least TEN balloons through its airspace since 2022: Diplomatic tensions spiral as Congress demands answers from Biden after fourth object shot down

Biden has wanted the presidency all his life. He is not prepared for it. He might think his ability to politic in the usual way prepared him for the job, but he would be mistaken.

Commenters like Van Camp have said he was a nasty hack politician when he had all his marbles and now he doesn't.

WNU has said there are different public faces of China depending on the correlation of forces. Correlation of forces must be quite good for China for them to be so bellicose.

Some low hanging fruit for the US would be to fire Milley. It would keep the Chinese guessing a little bit more. They do not respect nor fear Milley.

Guam used to be a balloon base. Does not seem like it would be much use, but it must be. the Jet stream flows west generally. Different layers flow a little different. So maybe. /the balloon base had been shut down for a long time. Decades perhaps. Reactivated?

So from January 1st through February 12 the Us flew 10 balloon form Guam or somewhere? Also the Chinese only complain now. Seems more likely the Chinese are seeking an excuse for their balloons if for no other reason than to explain it to their people.

If they do not care to explain it to their people, then it is more worrisome.

I would like to thank Old China hand Senator Barely There (Feinstein), Paul Pelosi, Hunter Biden, The Turtle and all the politico families that profited off of the China trade.

Here is a question: If China is the enemy and provides the precursor chemicals(base feed stocks) for the fentanyl cooked up by the cartels and trekked by illegal immigrants through our southern border, will that stop or does Joe Biden want his 10% cut of fentanyl sales?

Anonymous said...

I have found just about all of the comments above childish, worthless, and filled with hate. What is known: The balloon was a single event and taken down and now being studied. The other objects, not balloons, have appeared in 4 different places and all have been taken down and are now being studies. We know the balloon was from China. They admitted this. We do not know about the smaller spheres, though one is said to be close to China, according to the Chinese govt.
The Biden administration and the govt simply do not know enough at this stage, according to them and all other observers.

Anonymous said...

If the US wants to know what they have shot down (over its own territory), then recover the debris and analyze it.

I don't think it is far-fetched or childish to view this all as a desperate distraction from the Nord Stream sabotage by the US. Couple this with the State Dept warning US citizens to leave Russia, it is nothing short of ominous.

Americans and the western world are being led into another horrible world war by leaders who are not up to the task. It is so discouraging to see this and be so helpless to stop it.

By the way, does anyone realize that Seymore Hersh's story about the US sabotage of Nord Stream pipeline is completely suppressed in Germany? Look at the German press and you will see not a peep about this important news story. It is suppressed like the Hunter Biden laptop was suppressed in the USA. Think about the implication of that, friends.

Anonymous said...

"What is known: The balloon was a single event and taken down and now being studied"

The above comment looks quasi-Freddish, but somehow it does not fit.

Balloons were shot down over lake Huron and over Canada. The one over Lake Huron was by an F16 and it used 20 mm cannon.

Either 9:50 AM is not keeping up or they are trolling.

There seems to be a heck of a lot of Russian trolls here now.

To 10:26

Is Putin a n-word? How many women has he had babies with now?

Don't come back with he supports his kids. Some baby daddies in the US do that as well.

Anonymous said...

Look turd Diane Feinstein is barely there. And her family made buttloads of money in China. Must help to have a Chinese spy on your staff for 23 years.

McConnell is the Turtle. You think just because someone has an (R) behind their name I would give them a pass?

BTW what type of incense do you use for your fane to Nancy Pelosi?

Cow patties?

On must never, ever verbally dress down a holy of holies or former dipshit comes out of the woodwork

Anonymous said...

Lawmakers Say Dianne Feinstein’s Mental Fitness Rapidly Worsening

Diane Barely There Feinstein

Anonymous said...

"We do not know about the smaller spheres, though one is said to be close to China, according to the Chinese govt."

Shot Down over Lake Huron on Sunday. About as far form land as you can be in Lake Huron is 25 maybe 50 miles.

The coast Guard does not have boats to retrieve it within 6 to 8 hours?

No this is slow walking by the Biden MALadministration.

Plenty of lefty cheerleaders or Russian trolls assuming the personas of dipshits.

Anonymous said...

No response from the peanut gallery.

Must be a tough day finding free pics.

Anonymous said...


This thread is so jack up. There is nothing to learn here.

Anonymous said...

Yes russian trolls are paid to go off on tangents like talking about puberty blockers, they do so on many threads.

In that case the Alphabet Mafia is facing push back. For instance there was a whistle blow at a university in St Louis, who told of the illegal activities of prescribing puberty blockers. The administrators acted shock and issued denials. This activity will stop. The near enemy is being confronted.

Anonymous said...

No buddy you just dont like the truth. Go ahead and become one with your neocon running buddies and Hillary.

Support your Democrat pro lbgtq agenda. That is your right.

Signed your pal, "Fair and balanced"

Anonymous said...

Never been a registered Democrat. Never supported the LGBT agenda.

however you would if you oligarch masters demanded it. You're a god commie.