Saturday, February 18, 2023

U.S. Vice President Harris Says Russia Has Committed Crimes Against Humanity In Ukraine


The Guardian: Russia has committed crimes against humanity, says Kamala Harris  

US vice-president tells security conference that perpetrators will be held to account over Ukraine war 

Joe Biden’s presidential administration has formally concluded that Russia has committed crimes against humanity during its nearly year-long invasion of Ukraine, US vice-president Kamala Harris said on Saturday, and pledged that those involved “will be held to account”. 

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference five days before the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion, Harris said: “In the case of Russia’s actions in Ukraine we have examined the evidence, we know the legal standards, and there is no doubt: these are crimes against humanity.”  

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 U.S. Vice President Harris Says Russia Has Committed Crimes Against Humanity In Ukraine  

US: Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine -- AP  

Ukraine war: Russia has committed crimes against humanity, US says -- BBC  

US declares Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine -- CNN  

US Vice-President Kamala Harris tells Munich security conference Russia has commited crimes against humanity -- ABC News Australia


Anonymous said...

How nice. The comment that was here is now gone. Odd

Do you believe the source of the information to be competent?
Do you believe the source of the information to be honest?
So Do you believe what she is saying now?
No not really. She is an idiot. So why should we believe anything she says?

RussInSoCal said...

If anyone would ask her, she'd say the same thing about the United States.

Anonymous said...

I hear what the first two posters have written. I wonder if she is getting any wiser, because she has appeared very condescending or shallow in the past.

Her parents are PhD's, so her brains should be in working order. What I have asked people in conversation is she really stupid due to genetics (de novo mutations) or is she stupid or due to being a double whammy and as such she has never had to work hard? I believe the latter, since her parents are PhD's.

Anonymous said...

rednecks spout their hate and display shabby upbringing by crackers.

Anonymous said...


No you idiot. When did it become racist to be honest? This women is a dunce , ingeniuion and cannot enunciate correctly.

Proof. Go over some of her speeches in the last year. 3 years ago while running for president, she stated that Michael Brown was unjustly killed. That whole story was a race baiting lie.

You dont like whites? Too bad, keep your prejudices to yourself

Anonymous said...

She may be a dunce but it’s pretty clear to everyone Russia is worse than the Ww2 nazis with the war crimes and genocide… Russia is committing mother most heinous reckless acts of any army ever…

Anonymous said...

Of course they are. And we believe you when you tell us the aliens stole your luggage at the airport and shipped it away by balloon.

Anonymous said...

Aliens steal luggage all the time. Look at Sam Brinton and tell us that he is not an alien.