Friday, March 3, 2023

According To The Financial Times, Ukraine Tells The EU It Needs 250,000 Artillery Shells A Month

News On Time: EU Urged by Ukraine to Send 250,000 Artillery Shells Monthly 

In a letter addressed to his counterparts in the European Union, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov called for 250,000 artillery shells per month to be sent to Ukraine. 

Ukraine has called on the European Union to send 250,000 artillery shells a month to Kyiv to fill a dire shortage that it warns is limiting progress on the battlefield.

According to the Financial Times: “Ukraine has called on the European Union to send 250,000 artillery shells a month to Kyiv to fill a dire shortage that could limit progress on the battlefield.”  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: For the past few weeks I have been reading reports that Ukraine is using 3,000 to 7,000 artillery shells a day, and the Russian military is using anywhere from 20,000 to 60,000 shells a day. Even at 250,000 shells a day, Ukraine will not have enough to match what Russia is using.


fazman said...

You forget about accuracy and intelligent use of artillery

Anonymous said...

not in my name

who wants this war?
why did we topple the ukrainian gov back then?
why expand nato to russia's border?
why all the uninvestigated money laundering in ukraine, and this sinful biden connection.

we must break the stranglehold of main stream media that hypnotizes the masses into believing ukrainians and we are fully innocent in this.

the US on top bombed the energy supply of Germany and other parts of Europe. WTF is going on with this administration?

why let in so many foreigners, undocumented?
why vaccinate americans under the context of lies and censorship?
what is this for?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but Ukraine has already been given a rubbish country with no resources, racist idiotic people, they deserve no help and I don't help, I let them die, because those who deserve help children from Africa, Syria and not only that help them it is also for the elderly and nature, in this ukraine killed a good part of its nature different from russia and mainly, it murdered thousands of elderly people to not have a pension, which side to support after seeing that even the flag of ukraine came after russia copying everything and the language 78% similar to russian? Such cerebral stupidity to support Ukraine, it shouldn't even exist that's true,like Estonia, Lithuania and even Finland, fake weak countries without resources, living on the basis of trafficking and terrorism, zero creativity and innovation, let Europe feel what South America, Africa, Asia and the middle east feel, lack of empathy and reality that these idiots have not had since the beginning, so it deserves to be wiped off the map like in the first world war and onwards

Anonymous said...

Something tells me the WW1 howitzers they're rolling out of mothball aren't the pinnacle of accuracy.

Anonymous said...


Quantity has a Quality all its own

Anonymous said...

It's March! Just a reminder that bad things happen to Russian leaders in March.

Stalin died on the 5th

Alexander II was killed on the 13th

Ivan the Terrible died on the 18th

Paul I was killed on the 24th

Anonymous said...

A) NATO was already at Russia's borders. Some dumb fuckers failed geography in Moscow.

B) Former Soviet Republics and formerly conquered ands suppressed Eastern European countries had some choices

1) Prostrate themselves to Russia
2) Do nothing and spin the dial.
3) Form their own protection league
4) Join NATO

The 1st three are nonstarters. Eastern Europe and the Baltic state were always going to join NATO once the yoke of Russian hegemony was lifted. So get the FUCK over yourselves before we have to nuke you.

Anonymous said...

Pay the guy $50 fazboy and then please leave the room. Your presence here is pointless.

Anonymous said...

Russian hegemony lol

fazman said...

Russian bot , this is for adults back to your commie play pen.

Anonymous said...

Adults are capable of more intelligent debate than to simply call a concerned American a Russian bot. Go back to the Burger King ball pit tubby.

Anonymous said...

The logic of the above posts is comical.

It is presumptuous to say the Baltics were "always" going to join NATO. It is an assault against history.

Of course any country can join, but to say this was an "Always", predetermined situation, implying a guarantee of NATO membership is nonsense. They joined in 2004. This was 14 years after the fall of the Soviet Union. That's a long time after the break up to be considered an inevitability.

And it was not the Yoke of "Russian Hegemony."

It was the yoke of Ukrainian hegemony, Belarus, Russian, Georgian and the rest hegemony that comprised the combined weight of the SOVIET rule.

The other idea that you simply do not address is that the Russians and the US were friends and partners up to about 2003. Then we "continued" to break our promise not to extend the borders of NATO.

But you know all this right? No? Maybe that's because you were either not listening in school or you were in diapers then and spent your school years smoking dope.

Nuke them? Go ahead, you get what you give. As of today's date, US hypersonic tech is still in the developmental stage. The Ruskies have had it for about 5 years now. So your first strike will not be that effective. Even if it is , you still have to deal with "Dead Hand." No matter, the war won't last long. Both sides will suffer.

You ever done Nuke targeting and effects staff work? No? Do some. It is very interesting.

With the more than 3000 warheads the Russians got, you only need about 30 hits to turn the USA into a uncontrollable mess of unconnected entities, with minimal local resources. People will die in droves, not just because of the nukes, but because of the new conditions they will face after the attack.

The lack of "survival ability" (diabetes, health issues, living in the wrong area such as a desert etc...). and skills to thrive in a 1880s type of environment: no antibiotics, no national food chain, no national transportation grid or power grid, will kill most, post attack.. Most people today (especially in large metropolitan areas) think that bread, medicine and milk come from a store.

We know all these things about a nuclear attack.

The Russians know they will be destroyed also.

Where are your ABM systems?
Unless you live in Alaska or DC, you don't have one.

But you go ahead sonny, have at it

Bon Chance bud.

Anonymous said...

Top Russian Scientist Who Created Sputnik COVID Vaccine is Strangled to Death at Home – Suspect Arrested, Served Time for Sex Crimes

Top Russian Scientist Andrey Botikov, who created the Sputnik COVID vaccine, was found dead in his Moscow apartment killed by his gay lover.

Rent boy Alexey Zmanovsky has quite the patronage among the high and powerful in Moscow high society.

Anonymous said...


I have never done nuke targeting. But I have gone to school to study the effects of nuclear detonation make calculation for downwind spread, how to construct field works to protect against fallout and all the rest.

So take your scare stories elsewhere.

You are getting Putineaque in your threats. You should find yourself a rent boy and have some fun. Alexey Zmanovsky can't have been the last one. You know you want it.

Anonymous said...

Ah. Skoda,
I should have known. Crawling out from under your rock? Well, did you go back and read the operation Cobra reply thread?

No of course you did not. Because you are a weakling and cannot stand to be confronted. Once confronted with your mistakes, you do not show any back bone and refuse to acknowledge them.
No, as usual, you just throw
ad hominems and false comparisons/ analogies at the world. Pathetic.

And I do not publish scare stories you deluded dunce.
The fact is that critical node calculation targeting is real. You destroy hubs and inter regional critical infrastructure. You break the country into separate areas that are isolated by destruction or semi destruction of como/ trans/ log capability.
Last but not least, you re-enforce a disaster with a disaster to help facilitate more destruction of the targeted country.

Your lack of education and ignorance shows.

You and Mr Fair and Balanced have some real emotionalist critical thinking problems, then again, logic has never been your strong point,
Stick what you know.. tank production at the Skoda auto works.

Roger29palms said...

The numbers of rounds fired daily, if accurate, don't say much for artillary as a weapon for any target that moves.

Anonymous said...

They need good FO teams for that, or consistent drone coverage.
The best way to kill movers is to use a hellfire missle type system that utilizes a laser designated that can track
the mover

Anonymous said...

Skoda breathe you do know that when russia loses the USG will hunt you down.

Anonymous said...

Not a problem, skods ole buddy. You, me and Mathew all have reserve seats at Manzanar.

You Don't think they are going to forget you do you? Me, I am a realist. Things go to crap and when the dust clears if the pc woke crowd is victorious. my days will be few.

I hope you are not under some kind of hokey illusion that you will be spared because you enthusiastically supported thier buddy Zelinski.
They have a term for that. It is called, useful idiot.

Anonymous said...

JUST for you

Watch the inbedded interview clip. Sammy powers talks about values. She means traditional American values right?

Nope she is not even close to talking about a Christian belief system.

Anonymous said...

Here's a sweet deal. We trade Samantha Power for you. You won't be going to Manzanar. Some place nice like Antarctica.

Republican governor Ralph Carr of Colorado protested to FDR about internment, but you know how Democrats are, when they have power.

Anonymous said...

BTW Russia owes reparations to the USA for helping to install Biden as president. If you don't pay up we will occupy you until you do.

Anonymous said...

No, Your sweet heart Samantha is here to stay. Along with Susan Rice, Hillary, Finestien, Wilson and Waters. They are all your fellow buddies who support zelinski, since he has pledged himself to the godless progressive liberal, modernistic ideology.

You truly do not see it coming do you Skoda? You make me laugh. It is 1918 Russia and you are a Menshevik. A tool, a useful idiot of the Bolsheviks.

You will be programed for elimination as soon as they take complete control. The parallels here are wonderful.

Biden? Uncle Joe is all for supporting Zelinski too!! Great choices Skoda!! Your logic is impecable.

I am just glad I am not on your side concerning this subject. And as far as the Russians, they have their own problems and Being a traditionalist, I do not believe in chasing monsters around the world. Let the Slavs handle thier own problem.

Anonymous said...

Biden is out in less than 2 years. Ditto Feinstein. Both will be done in by Democrats. Hillary is out of office. She makes cameo appearance now and then to snarl at the audience.

Waters does not live in her district. Hispanic politicians are eyeing her seat. The Demographics of her district are changing. We shall see.

Not enough people know or care about Susan Rice. If there is a Democrat admin after 2024, she will be in it.

Unfortunately Frederica Smith Wilson will be around for another 2 to 4 years. Miami metro is changing but not fast enough to boot her. She can be goaded into saying stupid things but after 2poe 3 her staff will hide her. Meaning it will be hard to goad her into defeat.

I am serious about the reparations. The wife of the former mayor of Moscow paid Hunter a few mil. Unless she was paying for Hunter's services as a low rent, rent boy, that was clearly a pay off.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the reparations gig.
The other comments about political office holders?
No issue by me. I did not and would not vote for any of them. The appointees...IMO they need to be banned from government service

Anonymous said...


Well, put on you black face yet you racist pig?
How old are you, 27. 10 or 18 ?

You have nothing to contribute and come off as some kind of super bro wanna be.
Grow up and take out the nose ring and then the purple dye in your hair.