Thursday, March 2, 2023

Another Awkward U.S. President Biden Moment

WNU Editor. Wow!!!!! I do not know what to say. 

PJ Media has more .... Old Joe Biden Has Never Told a WEIRDER Story Than This One (PJ Media).


Anonymous said...

We had a great President and they bullied him and gamed the system so we can have this idiot in ‘charge’ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anonymous said...

"I had a nurse named Pearl Nelson. She'd come in and do things I don't think you learn in nursing school. She'd whisper in my ear, I couldn't understand, but she'd whisper and she'd lean down and actually breathe on me to make sure there was a human connection."

That should be a 30 second campaign ad ran on a loop indicting the whole party.

The party of Slavery, KKK, Jim Crow and Jim Eagle 2.0.

To be a Democrat is to be a racist and worse.

Anonymous said...

^ personally dislike Trump's manner (big ego, big mouth), but his policies for the most part, yes. Direct threat to the globalists, who made sure 'orange man bad' was dumped, replaced by the current Puppet-in-Chief.

RussInSoCal said...

/Surprised he didn't just say she was five-fingers, no waiting...

Anonymous said...

I know what to say, we need more nurses like that, period

Anonymous said...

ho hum: this post is strictly tabloid.
fact: trump numbers going down in his own party and Biden numbers going up.
that is the reality to confront

Anonymous said...

If you grew up up Playboy, you would think like 12:52. I would point out that G-d or no god, there are more than the 5 or 6 STD's that are commonly talked about. It is more like 2 or 3 dozen.

Anonymous said...

"strictly tabloid" "his numbers are way up!"

That did nothing to address the fact that you just watched footage of his brain melting.

Anonymous said...


What do you expect from the Fred Lapides persona?

1) Logic?

2) Honest debate or discussion?

Biden has dementia, but his poll numbers go up. You have to question polling methodology, poll respondents fear of cancel culture and doxing, or subcultures that are component parts of the overall culture.

If a mental patient can get north of 40% in the polls and inch to 50% or 51% over time, you know what time it is.

Anonymous said...

Why do you believe you have the professional credentials to tell us who has dementia?
If the polls favor your guy, they are worthwhile; if not, they are worthless

Anonymous said...

1:58, you are a worthless mfer. That is out of the way.

Question: do you have to have a PhD or masters in a field of knowledge to have a well considered opinion or be right about something?

How did WNU know his mother had dementia. Was WNU clueless until the doctor told him his mother was not quite right after taking her for an annual physical? If you believe that i have a bridge to sell you.

Anonymous said...

You're such a good little soldier for the pedos. Mazel tov Freddie.

Anonymous said...

You know the polls are all b.s..

Look at the 2016 pres election. Weeks before,.... and up to election day, Hillary was constantly ahead and by many in the msm already the presumed winner.

Another reason not to believe the press. Are you still believing them out of hand, like Russia gate, covid or any other story out there? How about the war in eastern Europe right now?

Same narrative is used only the words have changed

Anonymous said...

and another awkward moment for the former president

Former president Donald Trump can be held liable in court for the actions of the mob that overtook the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the Justice Department said Thursday.

“Speaking to the public on matters of public concern is a traditional function of the Presidency, and the outer perimeter of the President’s Office includes a vast realm of such speech,” attorneys for the Justice Department’s Civil Division wrote. “But that traditional function is one of public communication. It does not include incitement of imminent private violence.”

Anonymous said...

Overtook? Security footage shows them being let in. What do you say to that? And what Democrat has been held responsible for an actual armed mob taking over and annexing a part of Seattle Washington? remember CHOP?

Anonymous said...

Come on 2:13. You know 2:07 is Fred. He will always support the Democrat and always disparage any Republican unless the NYT says that person is a good Republican this week. Fred can never, ever be honest.