Tuesday, March 7, 2023

China’s New Foreign Minister Warns Of Conflict With US


CNN: China’s new foreign minister warns of conflict with US, defends Russia ties  

China’s new Foreign Minister Qin Gang warned Tuesday that “conflict and confrontation” with the United States is inevitable if Washington does not change course, delivering a stern and wide-ranging rebuke of US policies for his first press conference in the new role. 

Qin, who was until recently China’s ambassador to the US, built up a reputation for being careful and accomplished diplomat while overseas. 

But he struck a far more combative tone in his first appearance as foreign minister at China’s annual parliamentary meeting, warning of the “catastrophic consequences” of what he described as a “reckless gamble” by Washington in how it treats its fellow superpower.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: China says U.S. relations have left ‘rational path,’ warns of conflict unless they ‘hit the brake’ (CNBC)  

Update #2: Conflict with China is inevitable unless U.S. changes course, Beijing's new foreign minister warns (NBC)  

WNU Editor: After the Chinese foreign minister's warning, Chinese President Xi also issued a rare rebuke to the U.S. (next post).


Anonymous said...

I just don’t see us winning a conflict with China. We might have the military, but we sure as hell don’t have the competent leadership that is needed.

Ron said...

historically this seems similar to how the conflict with japan started WW2. Japan was confident in its military abilities. it was consolidating areas outside of its boundaries for raw materials. It was committing genocide. then we harmed japan economically by cutting off its access to oil. then pearl harbor. History does repeat itself. problem is the people in power in the USA weren't taught history in school. they were taught sexual perversion, race hatreds, and science frauds. Its hard to recognize patterns when you are focused on bringing hate and abnormal perversion into the world

Anonymous said...

^^^ 100%

The oil embargo of Japan needed to be done. The Japanese in that era killed tens of millions of Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Obviously not enough.

Anonymous said...

^ You think my father-in-law should have been killed and my mother in law made into a comfort Woman?

Too bad we cannot meet IRL.

Anonymous said...

A race of people who have no problem putting an entire species of animal into extinction if they think a part of it will help them get a hard-on. The Chinese are insatiable and amongst the most greedy and racist.

Anonymous said...

Mother and father in law lol, trying to score diversity points are you?

Anonymous said...

Asians do not get diversity point sin America since the start of the Biden Residency.

Please try to keep up asshole.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough, I’ll give it to ya. I only date Asian women so I really can’t say anything in the end.

Anonymous said...

Prejudice was at work with me. They are tall.

Anonymous said...

Like I said...

Will they EVER learn? School that's part of notoriously woke Virginia district bans white and Asian students from college prep program, despite sister school facing AG probe for withholding merit awards to boost 'equity'