Thursday, March 2, 2023

Editor's Note

Had problems with the internet tonight. It has finally been resolved. Blogging will return early morning.


Mr Nobody said...

your opinion

Also I have stated this numerous times about the 2014 coup in the Ukraine and the subsequent take over of Crimea by Russia.

Russia moving into Crimea was inevitable. As the article States, It is home of the Black Sea fleet. Has been this fleets home for over 100 years. The Russians giving this up would be like the US giving up Pearl Harbor...Aint going to happen.

Now here is what I do not understand. It had to be blind arrogance. The intel agencies, DoD and DoS had to know this before 2014. But they went ahead anyway.

My only conclusion is that the Blob wanted to severely limit the Russians capability. This action was part of a long term plan to cripple Russia, or they just wanted a war.

It re-enforces the assessment that the Capital District is running off of blind ideology and not common sense.

Anonymous said...

The deal, as originally planned by Nuland and Sullivan, was that we would support Right Sector's fanatical race war in return for a multi-decade US lease on the port in Sevastopol. Severely reducing Russian capabilities in the black sea. That's why actual russian soldiers captured Crimea, whilst Luhansk and Donetsk only got volunteers and non lethal material aid.