Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Editor's Note

 Doing volunteer work this afternoon and evening. Blogging will return tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

Biden Regime Retaliates Against Elon Musk, Demands He “Identify All Journalists” Given Access to Twitter Files – Musk Responds

Russia is looking better despite being run by greedy, incompetent assholes.

Must be tough being Alexander Beyer.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be a big story.

UPDATE: Americans Killed in Matamoros, Mexico Identified- US Law Enforcement Was NOT on the Ground Searching for the Missing Americans

Actually, I think the Democrats are color blind. they do not care about color one way or another.

1) Obama famously dumped white working class and poor. Barack and his staff figured they did not need them to get to 51%, so fuck them.

2) It has been hypothesized that as the Hispanic population approaches or surpasses the Black population that the Democrat allegiances will shift The power structure will shift. This was seen 3 or so years ago around DC in a school board fight. Democrats won't care so much about grievances. Reparations in California and elsewhere are the high water mark.

3) Asians were jettisoned in the last 2 years, but that is not the kicker. The kicker is Hispanics will be jettisoned in the very near future too. Does not make sense does it. That is everybody. So who is left?

4) The Democrat Party wants the newest, neediest people of of almost any color, who have recently immigrated to the US legally or illegally. The needier the proles/serfs the better.

Anonymous said...

Many Americans go to or live in the Mexican border region. They buy drugs cheaper or medical procedures cheaper. You could call them stupid for doing so, but while you are at it you might as well call them trailer trash a la James Carville.

There is always a new and improved fix for drugs prices or medical prices. Always.

Problem is that drug and medical prices are high for the very same reason that weapons systems prices are high. I blame the tax regime/structure. Democrats are the last people, who are going to fix that.

There are many kids, who live I Mexico and cross the border to go to school everyday, Their parents legally or illegally gamed the system in some cases. So the FBI is saying in effect that their lives do not matter. that the cartel warfare in Mexico does not matter.

Worse the Cartels are funding political campaigns in the border states. There are also kidnappings in the US in the border region by cartels.

But the FBI is too scared to go into Matamoros to put a fig leaf or window dressing on the problem. But the FBI will monitor school board meeting in northern Virginia. FBI home of the brave!

The Black community will remember.

The FBI and their Democrat masters mau mau that white supremacists are their greatest threat. When it comes in a big way Cartels are going to suborn, intimidate and kill FIB agents not white supremacists. The Cartels will win the bidding way and and Senators like F Chuck Schumer won't be able to outbid them.

Anonymous said...

If the Brittany story had legs, then this one does too.

But no FBI help.

People are going to be pissed @t DIMS

Anonymous said...

Regent Obama and front man Biden have lost complete fucking control of the border.

When your forces are not able or not willing to so much as launch a retaliatory raid in response to loss of life, the other side takes you measure.

Dark Dark Dark

Anonymous said...

Checked GWP comments on ^^^. They actually hit the nail on the head. Racist comments? No. Truth about the story. Yes.

Drug Deal gone bad.

If you read down the thread a little there is nothing to be happy about.

"The cartels control the drug trade in South padre Island...
The cartels actually control all the drug trade in America... and they do not tolerate competitions. Which is why we haven't heard much about American gangs lately... the cartels have been quietly eliminating them for the past 10 years."

I am in a tier 2 city. So in 1 to 10 years I will see fewer and fewer Black young men killed due to drug violence. Because they will not be players anymore. It will be the Cartels.

Not a happy day because a stronger, more resourceful, more intelligent criminal syndicate will have arrived and be entrenched.

.. but White supremacists say the execrable Democrats and FIB director Wray.

Anonymous said...

Another issued to fix!

Anonymous said...

McConnell Says It Was a “Mistake” For Tucker Carlson to Show January 6 Footage That Government Fought to Keep Hidden (VIDEO)

Unless the viedo had been altered it shows the truth.

If you show all the videos you get the complete truth not a narrative.

McConnel is afraid of the movement that brought Trump to the top. It destroys his plans.

If McConnel after 2024 carefully shepherded through all federal court nominees, he would not be worth his weight. McConnel shepherding court nominees from 2017 to 2019 or 2020 was the only positive thing to be said about him. Other people could complete such a feat.

McConnel is not a Republican. He wear Republican sheep's clothing, but he is no Republican.

Recent video shows policemen opening locked doors for Chaney the shaman. ..And Chaney got 4
years for that.

Do the police get 4 to 8 years for aiding and abetting?

Anonymous said...

Fred spotted at 8:42

So 2 American citizen's get murdered along the border and it is not big deal, because


Anonymous said...

I am of the belief like others that if a criminal murders a criminal, you lock up the surviving criminal.

While you might say" Play stupid games, win stupid prizes", I still say lock up the surviving criminal.

But white collar Dem voter does not care.

Anonymous said...

How dare those toxic masculine men jumped into action to save the people on board this plane. What right do they think they have risking their lives to assume these women, children, and soy boys wanted their help

Doug Emhoff would have stayed in his seat and cried!

Massachusetts Man Threatening to Kill Everybody on the Plane Before Stabbing Flight Attendant Released


Anonymous said...

Why was torres Relaeased?


1) He is Hispanic
2) Massachusetts is liberal
3) We don't really mean what we say about airline safety
4) If the case goes to trial people might ask, why air marshals were taken off planes and used to babysit illegals at the border by BiDUMB!

5) CIA/FBI/DHS operation?

Anonymous said...

Massachusetts Man Threatening to Kill Everybody on the Plane Before Stabbing Flight Attendant Released

He looks more like one of the "Aloha Snackbar" characters.

Anonymous said...

Documentary Filmmaker Ken Burns Says Tucker Carlson Releasing January 6 Footage is “A Huge Threat to Our Republic” (VIDEO)

That sucks. Now, if I watch any Ken Burns documentary, I will be on the look out for blatant, but more importantly subtle nudging/propaganda.

You are always on alert for blatant propaganda. So that is not new. While everyone is political to some extent, I never gave thought to Ken Burns. Now, the more recent one of his docs are, the more political I expect it to be.

I do not want to watch a doc like I am a member of some debate team. At times a doc is more casual viewing. You cannot do causal viewing, if you suspect nudging.

Fuck Burns.

Anonymous said...

If I had been gifted a boxed DVD set of Ken burn's "The CIVIL War", I would have thought "Wow, I have been given a great gift!"

Now, I would have to put on a fake happy face.

Anonymous said...

Bad, bad day when I read the comments for the GWP that I had shied away from as red meat responses, but shy are now hitting it out of the park.

Anonymous said...

"Biden Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Warns Assets Might Lose Value Because of … Climate Change"

Many moons ago Yellen used to be educated and used the tools of her profession.

Now, she is just a hired gun, who shoots from the hip without thinking.