Wednesday, March 1, 2023

FBI Director Christopher Wray Says The Agency Believes The COVID-19 Pandemic 'Likely' Started As Wuhan Lab Leak


US News and World Report: FBI Director Says COVID-19 Origin Is ‘Most Likely’ a Lab Incident in China 

The comments from FBI Director Christopher Wray come after a new DOE report thrust the lab leak theory back into the spotlight. 

 FBI Director Christopher Wray on Tuesday publicly acknowledged the agency’s stance that the COVID-19 pandemic likely resulted from an accidental laboratory leak in China.

“The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan,” Wray told Fox News.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Beijing has responded .... China scoffs at FBI claim that Wuhan lab leak likely caused COVID pandemic (Reuters). More here .... China dismisses FBI statement on COVID-19 lab leak theory (AP). 

FBI Director Christopher Wray Says The Agency Believes The COVID-19 Pandemic 'Likely' Started As Wuhan Lab Leak 

FBI chief says agency feels COVID pandemic likely started with Chinese lab leak -- CBS/AP  

FBI Director: COVID-19 pandemic 'likely' started as Wuhan lab leak -- UPI  

FBI chief Christopher Wray says China lab leak most likely -- BBC  

COVID pandemic 'likely' caused by Wuhan lab accident: FBI -- DW  

China lab leak 'most likely' caused COVID outbreak, FBI director says -- SKY News


Anonymous said...

A lot of people were demonized and lost their ability to earn an income for suggesting this in the early days. Lots of lawsuits coming in the near future. And to the left wing cheerleaders on this board, this is an excellent example of fascism and shame on you for supporting it.

Anonymous said...

What did more damage? The virus, or the destructive policies regarding it? The point of this is to make you hate all chinese for supposedly originating the virus, rather than the people in leadership positions who immiserated us using the virus as a convenient excuse to demolish your rights and your purchasing power with their printed money.

Anonymous said...

What did more damage? The CCP, Democrat politicians and morons like 4:51 and I do mean morons.

My spouse in Han and I can make distinction between the Chinese government and the Chinese people. All you are trying to do 4:51 (I mean moron) is to salve your conscious and set up a strawman argument to protect the Democrat politicians you vote for. You are one dishonest bitch.

EFF off and die.

Anonymous said...

"The point of this is to make you hate all chinese for supposedly originating the virus"

Assertion without proof. Back it up asshole

Anonymous said...

LOL you are unstable bro. I wouldn't be caught dead voting for that lecherous old pedophile. Seek mental help. Not everyone views the world through your binary two-party political theater lens.

BTW, the guy you and I voted for? Yeah, he also took trips with Epstein. Stop worshipping those who are destroying you.

Anonymous said...

Prove what? My opinion? You are struggling to stay afloat pal.

Anonymous said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

Recon by fire. Now, I know who I am replying to

You made an assertion:

"he point of this is to make you hate all chinese for supposedly originating the virus, rather than the people in leadership positions"

Weasel Wray might be point out a fact that the virus is from Wuhan or he nigh be engaged in deflection. Pretty much The Left won on this topic. Wray could have changed the conclusions of the FBI report. He has that power. By stating it came from China does not hurt the CCP or ethnic Chinese so much as hurt The American Left. The MSM has enough horse power to deny the DOE report that had 'weak confidence".

The FBI report had moderate confidence and again Wray could have changed the report. The FBI is that corrupt.

Now kindly FUCK OFF & Die!

It is not like you are going to sue me from Russia although you are welcome to try.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, good points to consider here

Anonymous said...

I think the Chinese suffered more from this than anyone in terms of casualties and suffering. This was a lab leak, intentional or not is up for debate. But there is an argument to be had here that a responsibility deflection campaign may be underway in an effort to deflect the atrocities committed by the democrats to the Chinese government and republicans. The FBI is hard core liberal and can’t be trusted. Why now are they saying it was a lab leak when it was obvious for so long. What does this evolve into before elections next year?

Anonymous said...

US lost the economic war and now trying to revive the lab leak theory.

Anonymous said...

Setting the stage for another economic war (sanctions) in other words

Anonymous said...

But Wikipedia dismisses this as a fringe conspiracy theory. They have to be right, don't they?

As far as China's response to this story or any other, who gives a fuk? If the CCP said the sun would rise tomorrow as usual, I'd be looking toward the west to see the sunrise.

Anonymous said...

"This was a lab leak, intentional or not is up for debate."

You can say that of you are working for the CCP, Fauci, Daszak, the DNC, etc.

There are changes to viral RNA as the result of random mutations and there are changes due to CRISPR and such tools.

If you don't want to countenance the using of editing tools and what fingerprints those might leave, you can troll all day.

"The FBI is hard core liberal and can’t be trusted. "

but we have the DOE report, various European agencies, news reports and our own good sense born of living and education. Just because I do not trust the FBO does not mean I will willy nilly trust the GRU, FSB, or some troll on the net.

Anonymous said...

Asshole Democrats are trying to make excuses for themselves

'Politics got in the way of a lot of looking for the truth': Whoopi Goldberg says lab leak theory was attacked over fears it would fuel anti-Asian hate crimes

Anonymous said...

FBI investigate your own backyard.
Happened in July 2019.

Anonymous said...

so is it within the FBI's purview to investigate the origin of a disease?

Ron said...

It seems to be a lack of self-awareness to on one hand state you no longer believe the government but when the government issues a report that then supports what you have always believed one says, "see we were right" I for one do not believe anything that comes from our various government agencies anymore. It seems to me there is enough evidence that it came from a lab without hanging on to any word of the FBI or Energy department. namely, the actions of the Chinese, Chinese defectors who worked in the Wuhan lab and email interactions received through foia requests.

(I'm not responding to anything said by commentors on this thread, but the responses I have seen on Conservative TV and radio I have viewed.)

Anonymous said...

It would be within the FBI's purview said outbreak was caused by a bioweapon.

Anonymous said...

You love your sarcasm don't you Ron.

If I was only relying on the government, would I beleive the FBI's latest report? At the very least, I would be asking "Are they lying now or were they lying then?" After the last 2 years, the answer would be No.

I am not solely relying on the FBI report. There is the DOE report. Now I am not Steven ColberTT. That is I am not a moron. Stevie decided like a good little soldier, he was going to carry some more water for The Left and so he went after the DOE. Never mind that the people who made up the report are GS's with at least bachelors degrees in science. GS;s wrote it and 3 levels of SES's reviewed it and "fine tuned" it. Since he report had political implications, the Secretary of Energy looked at it as well before release.

There are also European agencies that have weighed in.

Plus I can rely in indictive reasoning, There have been leaks before. So this is not unusual. It should be, but it is not.

Then there is the fact that it is China. I've been there. Consider cleanliness. Consider the world famous dumping restaurant off The Bund in Shanghai. It is a 2 story affair. When something is a mere 2 stories in a landscape of high rises, you take note. It is a 5 star restaurant. If you have business, be wanted in the past there was no soap and no hand towels. I also liked the janitor that spit on the mop used to clean the floors. That was in a 3 to 6 story shopping cent off Tiamen square or no more than block from it.

Some scientist have one on record stating the changes were unlikely to be natural mutation. If have not seen article with graphics showing a strand of RNA and how to spot changes made using CRIPR or other tech, but these scientists did go on record.

Plus there is the fact that if the leaders were not inclined to make it an issue of it with China, they would like and tell us "there is no there, there". Two years later Wray tells the truth not because he is inclined to tell the truth or wants to tell the truth. He tells the truth occasionally, because if he always lied, Congress would impeach him. Also, at this late date it is not going to affect things. Sure there might be outrage and there will be a blip in the polls. But when information comes at you like it is coming from a fire hydrant and when complicit media is on your side, telling an inconvenient truth after lying is no big deal.

I don't know if the truth is important to Ron, but it is to me. It is why I am trying to learn physical chemistry. Chemistry was not my major, but P-chem is the next step after having to take 2 semesters of chemistry for my major. Besides who could be happy leaving it at stoichimetry? A big purpose of learning P Chem is so that corporations, lawyers in a courtroom, or the government cannot lie to me concerning the effect of this or that chemical. Besides television programming is crappy. What are you going to do with your time?

Anonymous said...

We still do not know for sure. But even if we do know it started as the post claims, what are we supposed to do: attack China?

Anonymous said...

Start a war? Maybe. It might have been an intentional release. Some people have posited that the escape into Wuhan was an accident, while the release overseas was intentional. Just because the people have Wuhan suffered, does not mean that the CCP is not culpable.

One thing we could do about an intentional release is sanction the CCP and every member of it. That would be short of war.

There is a corrosive effect for a nation where there are cyber attacks that affect your life and worrisomely get more dangerous and the government cannot stop it. such a government could lose its mandate.