Thursday, March 9, 2023

Former US Special Operations intel Analyst Says The US Is Not Prepared To Face 'Complex' Foreign Threats


FOX News: US is not prepared to face 'complex' foreign threats, former special ops warns  

DNI Avril Haines unpacked the 'complex' threat posed by China, Russia, North Korea and Iran 

New concerns over U.S. readiness have mounted since the U.S. intelligence community warned of "complex" international relations and growing threats to America's national security. 

Fox News contributor and former Special Operations intel analyst Brett Velicovich warned on "Varney & Co," Thursday, that the country is not prepared to face the threats from global powers including China. 

"I don't think we are prepared at this point," Velicovich said. "I mean, China is already at war with us. We have an archaic military-industrial complex right now in the U.S. that likes to tell itself it's built for speed and innovation and this new digital battlefield, but in reality, the layers of bureaucracy and unnecessary oversight is [sic] getting in the way of U.S. innovation. And China's government, they seem to get it."  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The above Fox News contributor and former Special Operations intel analyst Brett Velicovich is spot on when he said this .... "one of the most dangerous things that could be created from especially recent wars in Europe is a formal alliance between China, Iran, Russia and North Korea." 

Since the time of Nixon going to Beijing, one of the top national security priorities of the US has been to make sure that a Russia - China alliance does not happen. Why this priority has been abandoned by the current White House completely perplexes me. 

If trends continue and this formal alliance between China and Russia does happen, the consequences will be felt globally for decades. And yes, the US is certainly not prepared to face this foreign threat.


Anonymous said...

Comrade Khrushchev's plan to fluoridate our water supply is bearing fruit.

America will soon be destroyed.

I am not a crackpot.

Anonymous said...

"Since the time of Nixon going to Beijing, one of the top national security priorities"

Just because the establishment believes it is a priority or has been or the State Department feverishly works for it does not mean that any or all work they can do will secure it.

It also does not mean that Nixon did the right thing or that a a future, where Nixon did not go to Beijing would have resulted in a juggernaut. Mao royally fucked china up.

Without investment and tech transfer, a China-Russia alliance would be like a German Austrian alliance in WW1. Austria just could not perform.

The Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution were disastrous. China literally destroyed its education system. It could be argued that it was Mao. One Mao biographer has written that Mao's strategy was to keep upsetting the apple cart to that no person or group could supplant him. It worked. It also destroyed China.

It is actually a common ploy by despots for Stalin to Gadaffi to Mao.

What Nixon did was to try a Hail Mary, because the establishment hated him every bit as much as they hated Trump. A more secure and respected Nixon might not have made the mistake and gone to China. The American oligarchy made this bed.

RussInSoCal said...

An axis of pariah states set to take over the world. Great.

It only works if the US and EU continue to destroy their own culture and economies with insane social and energy agendas.

The wild cards are South American and African countries.

Anonymous said...

"It only works if the US and EU continue to destroy their own culture and economies with insane social and energy agendas."

You mean what hussy Dr. Jill Biden did?

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Anonymous said...

Maybe this has something to do with the fluoridated water?

Anonymous said...

1010 could get a book on physical chemistry and figure it out for herself.