Thursday, March 2, 2023

Formerr Russian President And Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev Says Delivery Of NATO Aircraft To Kiev Will Mean NATO Is Directly At War Against Russia

Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev © Yekaterina Shtukina/POOL/TASS  

Sputnik: Medvedev: Delivery of NATO Aircraft to Kiev Will Mean Alliance's War Against Russia 

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The delivery of NATO aircraft to Ukraine and their maintenance on the territory of the alliance will be a direct entry of NATO into the war against Russia, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday. 

Since the 1920s, there has been an understanding that a country can be recognized as a participant in hostilities if, in addition to supplying weapons, it trains personnel to use them, Medvedev recalled. 

"This is how it is happening today: Canadian and German instructors in the EU are already teaching Ukrainian killers how to handle Leopards," Medvedev said on Telegram.  

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Update: Ex-Russian president names ‘red line’ for direct war with NATO (RT)  

WNU Editor: Will NATO deliver fighter jets to Ukraine and thereby crossing this Russian "red line"? If the past year has been any indication, my answer is yes.


Anonymous said...

Who would fly the jets though? According to the trainers who prepare our pilots you cannot take a fully trained Mig or Sukhoi pilot and train them on western jets, and visa versa. The entire point of their training is to make them operate off instincts, seared into their brains over the course of thousands of repetitions of various scenarios. The idea is that in the heat of combat, a pilot who trained his whole life to fly an F16 would inevitably push the wrong button due to sheer muscle memory and get themselves killed.

So, Polish pilots?

Anonymous said...

He’s literally said this 3 times since the war has started..obviously the west is waging war on Russia.🥴

Anonymous said...

And where would these aircraft operate out of? poland?, the baltics? cannot put them in the Ukraine, at least at first. they would be sitting ducks.

fazman said...

The instructors have said it is very possible to train these pilots within 6 months to perform limited set tasks .

fazman said...

The current UAF aircraft agent sitting ducks , and there airspace has better SAM coverage than before, and it's only getting better by the month

Anonymous said...


Are you nuts

Yes This is true
The instructors have said it is very possible to train these pilots within 6 months to perform limited set tasks


LIMITED? REALY???? That is just enough to get you killed.

It is the reason green pilots are integrated with vets.

Anonymous said...

Russia trained N. Korean and Chinese pilots to fly MIGs during the Korean War, though that was not made public.

Anonymous said...

No. You are absolutely wrong. The Soviet union trained those pin heads. The SOVIET UNION. Which by the way included who? YES THE UKRAINIANS HELPED TRAIN THEM.
Unless you have the USSR MILTARY duty rosters from that time...You have no way of knowing which nationality was doing the training. It might of been Latvians for all we know

Anonymous said...

The Soviets trained NK and Chinese pilots who hadn't already spent their entire lives learning how to fly western aircraft with different control schemes. That was the entire point of my post.