Thursday, March 2, 2023

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius Says Germany Cannot Defend Itself, And Berlin Would Fall

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius visits the Bundeswehr tank school in Munster, Germany, on February 20, 2023. © Global Look Press / dpa / Carsten Hoffmann 

B92: No manpower, no weapons... And Berlin would fall  

New German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said on Monday that Germany's military is not ready to defend the country if it is attacked.  

"We do not have armed forces capable of defending the country against a brutal offensive and an aggressive war," he said, during a meeting with members of his Social Democratic Party (SPD). 

According to him, Germany's Bundeswehr armed forces are undermanned thanks to decades of neglect by the federal government. Therefore, he believes that Germany will have to invest much more in defense in order to reach NATO standards. 

The highest-ranking officer of the Bundeswehr, Lieutenant General Alfons Mais, confirmed Pistorius's words in fact, when he declared that even the 100 billion euros earmarked for the German army by Chancellor Olaf Scholz will not be enough for the Bundeswehr to be capable of waging war.  

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German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius Says Germany Cannot Defend Itself, And Berlin Would Fall  

German army not capable of defending country, according to minister -- Anadolu Agency 

German defence minister says his country cannot protect itself in war -- First Post  

Germany cannot defend itself – defense minister -- RT


Anonymous said...

Good thing they are in NATO then🤷🏼… and maybe this will wake up Germany to make a real army…. Fear will do that

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should settle all the refugee Ukrainians in Germany and deport the Germans to a refugee camp on Kerguelen Island? The Ukrainians had little and they held the Russian's off for a full year now enabling them to get more weapons.

The last 2 defence Ministers were women. They both appeared to me to be ticket punchers, who warmed the the seat in the Defence Ministry long enough to secure higher office.

I would much rather have a competent woman as Defence Minister, the this POS who has something queer in his make up. If Louis Gates Jr researched his back ground, would we find out that his family is French and he comes from a long line of surrender monkeys?

Germany would not be defending alone. They would or should be working with Poland. Is that too hard for Mr. Baker to understand? Eating croissants couldn't hurt Mr. Baker's character.

Assuming that the Russians defeated the Poles the Russians numbers would be less and France would have time to send aid to Germany.

Mr. Baker needs to be fired and sent to an insane asylum.

fazman said...

No they can't go on the offence but yes they could still mount a formidable defence

Roger29palms said... can't have everything. We have green power [when the wind blows hard enough]. And...and... oh yes! Solar 17% of the year. And memories. Memories of when we were a feared military.

Anonymous said...

they thought they could do it twice before....and couldn't

Anonymous said...

The Germans have purposefully neglected their Defense Ministry for decades. It was open knowledge that for many years now the German Minister of Defense was one of the least important cabinet positions instead of one of the most important as it is in other nations. As a result, they had it be occupied by any number of mediocrities. They laughed at anyone who pointed out this was a stupid thing to do. Now they are in panic mode. It'll be many years before all the problems can be fixed.


Anonymous said...

"German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius Says Germany Cannot Defend Itself, And Berlin Would Fall"

some would say this is a good thing

Hans Persson said...

Bout time zie germans woke up.

Anonymous said...

What has the mighty Germany war machine become?

Anonymous said...

Why is it a good thing?