Friday, March 3, 2023

Is Bakhmut The Largest Battle Of The 21st Century So Far?

WNU Editor: The fight for Mosul and Aleppo were major battles. But the intensity of the fighting in Bakhmut in the past few months has certainly not been seen for decades.


Anonymous said...

"Russia’s penal colony population decreased by about 8% from 353,210 in August to 324,906 in early November"

Anonymous said...

~ 29 thousand decrease. Of those 80% are casualties. So about 24,000 dead. That is just convicts.

Anonymous said...

Russia complains about being attacked on its own territory while invading another nation ... they have to be fucked in the head

Anonymous said...

Putin and his false flags.

Medvedev and his whatever, I don't quite know what to call his schtick.

Anonymous said...

What? At most a squad-size element comes into one village and shoots up one car, and this is Putin's response? You know this was an attempt at a false flag

Anonymous said...

No I don't think so. More like Billy bad ass trying to make a statement.

Anonymous said...

Billy Bad Ass DNE. War as a way of doing that. People have fled or gotten tougher, both Ukrainian and Russian.

I think this one of those international cooperation programs. The FBI sent over an agent, who worked at setting up the Patriot Front. You know the Patriot Front where the FBI had a black male, while male and white female play dress up in matching blue shorts and khaki pants and called it a white male racist group. that epic fail. That little kabuki theatre was as in your face a putting a dementia case in the Oval Office.

So the FBI agent on loan to the FSB taught his counterparts how to play dress up.

PS: Selecting geriatric case Andropov was more honest and not in your face unlike selecting Demented Joe to be the White House place holder.

Anonymous said...

This is not like anything in Iraq. There it was mostly one sided. There were no 3 hour arty barrages against US forces.

Russian tactics are working just fine right now. The ukies have decided to defend and the Russians have decided to oblige them by fixing thier forces and attrition them by indirect fire.
Having Wagner go in and try to launch an offensive HELPED bring more Ukrainian forces into the meat grinder. This re-enforced the Russian indirect fire attrition strategy. That is, it put more Ukrainians in the kill zone.

But there is always room for improvement.
Russians need to relearn the lessons of ST Lo and operation Cobra

The resistance in front of you needs the Pander Lehr Divison treatment.
Currently the Russians are half stepping
in their application of firepower.

Anonymous said...

Which begs the question. Why are not the Russians using MOABs?
Another mystery of this war.

Anonymous said...

Correction. Pander = Panzer.

Anonymous said...

The Russians aren't using their 20,000 pound bombs because there are civilians hiding out in the basements waiting for the Russians to come get them.

Anonymous said...

Makes sense. The allies killed over 100 of their own men who had been POWs and a brigadeer general from friendly bombing during Cobra

Anonymous said...


I would be nice if Russian troll would not lie.

"Despite efforts by U.S. units to identify their positions, inaccurate bombing by the Eighth Air Force killed 111 men and wounded 490.[82] The dead included Bradley's friend and fellow West Pointer Lieutenant General Lesley McNair—the highest-ranking U.S. soldier to be killed in action in the European Theater of Operations"

WWII magazine and other magazines have covered this. Maybe troll should go away and fluff Prigozhin.

Anonymous said...


are you stupid or what? you are basically repeating the same thing 12:27 said.

The 111 you are talking about were. wait for it.......pows


Anonymous said...

I love to see you debase yourself rimjob. I relooked Operation Cobra, but I remember reading about it years ago in WW@ mag, MHQ or some mag.

Come on rimjob debase yourself all over again. You going to lie and tell us that General McNair was a POW too?

The most interesting thing I found was material on deflection error and CEP. So while I took time out to see WTF you were saying or lying about, I made good use of my time.

Anonymous said...

Well dumb ass here is the original comment in casulties

Makes sense. The allies killed over 100 of their own men who had been POWs and a brigadeer general from friendly bombing during Cobra

So where was the :
" lie"

You jack ass
You are repeating the same thing that I said except you are using different words.

What a dolt.

Mr Fair and Balanced I presume.

You little coward. You still have not answered the questions yet