Thursday, March 2, 2023

Is The Biden Administration Having Problems Articulating A China Policy?

Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden. (Photo: Xinhua)  

Politico: Why Can’t Democrats Explain Themselves on China?  

Biden has yet to find the rhetoric to describe his views on America’s global rival — and that’s a big problem. 

President Joe Biden likes to sum up his approach to China with a snappy mantra: “Competition, not conflict.” He used that construction at the G-20 summit last fall in Bali, Indonesia, after meeting with Xi Jinping to revive their strained relationship. Biden deployed it again in his State of the Union address this month, days after sending warplanes to destroy a Chinese spy balloon off the Atlantic coast. 

When I asked Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, the top Democrat on the new select committee on U.S.-China relations, whether he thought that formula captured the state of affairs, he paused. 

“I hope it does,” Krishnamoorthi said, taking time to choose his words.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: The contradictions are everywhere. On the one hand President Biden reiterates the U.S. government's support of it's one China policy when it comes to Taiwan, and then on the other hand you have trips by senior US lawmakers (i.e. then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi) going to Taiwan and announcing something else. And then there are the arms sales and the deployment of US military personnel to Taiwan for training. 

But the US is not alone in having a problem when it comes to explaining themselves on China. I live in Canada, and the recent news has been on China's interference in this country's elections (link here). The response from the Trudeau government has been to minimize and/or deflect it .... Trudeau was regularly briefed on foreign interference in elections, national security adviser says (National Post), or worse, issuing threats to the media to not report it .... Trudeau warns journalists that questions about China's election interference are racist and should stop (Toronto Sun). 

I guess this lack of clarity is because of money. In both the US and in Canada .... Canadian imports from China hit $100B in 2022, setting new trade record: StatCan (Global times/Canadian Press).


Anonymous said...

Biden Administration Having Problems Articulating

Now that is funny:

* Biden: Problems articulating with or without teleprompter
* Obama: Problems articulating without teleprompter. Makes Hōjō Sadayuki look successful
* Kamala: OMG!
* Ron Klain: MIA. Deserter. Mercenary, who went to cash in.

* Karine Jean-Pierre: Trainwreck. Bong Trek should be re-imagined for use during press briefings

* Kirby: Pinch hitter to back up Trainwreck
* Ned Price: White Privilege is real.
* Jake Sullivan: courtier & Fop; foppenjay
* Blinken: Not quite the deer in the headlights like Merit Garland, but getting there.

Some of the above is good. You know trolls are going to steal low hanging fruit.

Anonymous said...

Justin Trudeau is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chinee Communist Party.

CSIS uncovered Chinese plan to donate to Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation - Globe & Mail

"The source said the diplomat instructed Mr. Zhang to donate $1-million to the Trudeau Foundation, and told him the Chinese government would reimburse him for the entire amount…"

"would donate $1-million “to honour the memory and leadership” "

After Taiwan falls and Canada is in a worse position, Justine might have to learn how to pole dance for Beijing gigs.

Anonymous said...

Wonder boy Trump is hardly a hero by contrast:

“Trump, being the businessman that he is, always looking to do deals. He sees international relations as transactions,” said Jason Hsu, a member of Taiwan’s legislature representing the opposition KMT party. “Ultimately, he is not concerned about human rights, freedom, democracy, freedom of speech, these are not in his thinking.”

Trump has sent mixed and unclear signals about relations with Taiwan and China, said Wang Ting-yu, a legislator and member of Tsai’s Democratic Progressive Party. “The vague message is sometimes more dangerous than missiles,” Wang added.

Anonymous said...

These contradictions are why Xi was on camera at the G20 calling Trudeau and Biden liars to their faces.

Even a broken commie clock is right twice a day.

Anonymous said...

@1:07 Trump isn't the president, retard. Find a new script.

Anonymous said...

Effusive use of bold font. Why it must be the Fred Lapides persona.

Anonymous said...

why it must be stalker babe who has nothing to say but to badmouth others.

Anonymous said...

1400, why must you use the same limited vocab and even more limited arguments? You're like this one trick pony. Not only are you wrong, but you are boring.

At least one mystery is resolved. why are college students dumber. Answer is you were teaching them.