Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Says Ukraine Will Become A Member Of The Alliance In The "Long-Term"


BBC: Nato boss Jens Stoltenberg says Ukraine to join bloc in 'long term' 

Nato chief Jens Stoltenberg says Ukraine will become a member of the alliance in the "long-term", but for now it needs to remain independent in the face of Russia's invasion. 

Ukraine has sought to join the US-led military alliance for years. 

After Russia's invasion of the country, President Volodymyr Zelensky asked for that request to be fast-tracked. 

Ukraine also applied for EU membership days after Russia invaded, and gained candidate status in June. 

"Nato allies have agreed that Ukraine will become a member of our alliance, but at the same time that is a long-term perspective," Mr Stoltenberg told reporters during a visit to Finland's capital, Helsinki.  

Read more ....  

WNU Editor: In one statement Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg does two things. For one .... he pokes the "bear", and the Kremlin has responded .... NATO a 'distant prospect' for Ukraine – Stoltenberg (RT). And two, Ukraine continues to be strung alone with the carrot of one day becoming a NATO member, even being invited to the next NATO summit .... Stoltenberg invites Zelensky to NATO Summit in Vilnius (Ukrinform). 

Nato Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg Says Ukraine Will Become A Member Of The Alliance In The "Long-Term"  

Statement by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg with the Prime Minister of Finland, Sanna Marin --- NATO  

Ukraine will join NATO but in 'long-term': Stoltenberg -- AFP  

Ukraine to become NATO member in long term - Stoltenberg -- Ukrinform  

NATO chief says Ukraine will 'become a member of our alliance' in the 'long term' -- FOX News  

Ukraine Situation Report: NATO Says Ukraine Will Become A Member In The “Long Term” -- Warzone/The Drive


Anonymous said...

Sittin at the kids table with Sweden and Finland.

Anonymous said...

And again, the reiteration of why Ukraine will not exist as a country when this is over and why Russia is justified in its actions. How can the Ukrainians be so gullible and allow this Zelensky loser to continue to drive their country off a cliff?

Anonymous said...

It is not stringing them along. It is leaving a way to retreat in case Ukraine loses to Russia.

It is not poking the bear. I, for one, categorically reject sphere's of influence. They only seem to work one way. If it were a thing, then Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela would have different governments and would not be Russian allies.

Sphere of influence goes against freedom of association

Anonymous said...

Putin has gone a long way toward increasing NATO membership.

Anonymous said...

Your argument is flawed. Spheres of influence work. The three countries you mentioned are good examples of that. Each one of them has been dealt with in accordance with the Monroe doctrine.

Those states are isolated and under both diplomatic and economic sanctions from the US.
Note also no Foriegn security forces operate in those nations. Why is that? Because other great powers understand the consequences of operating in this hemisphere.

To say that any countries border nations are not that country's business is madness.
Also this is about great power power politics. Not what Tanzania or Ecuador wants.

BTW it is easy to criticize an age old policy . But what would you replace it with?

No it is not fair. But what other method is there to ensure great powers know their limitations when dealing with another great power?

Anonymous said...

@2:19 PM

Wait, wait, wait... Are you that brainwashed to think that Russia invaded Ukraine because it wanted to join the BIG BAD NATO? You think like a Russian commoner, but not a Russian elite.

The elites went into Ukraine for one reason only; Putin wants a Russian-Soviet legacy, that, and the bitterness of losing a pro-Russian government in the first place.

NATO is just a convenient pretext that Russia sometimes successfully uses to stoke fear.

It's clearly working with you.

Anonymous said...

"Those states are isolated and under both diplomatic and economic sanctions from the US."

Isolated? What does isolated mean. Russia and china have relations with them. They still export terrorism

Eat Shit you Russian troll.


Cuba is definitely not a Monroe Doctrine example. Russia supported Cuba for decades.

Anonymous said...

3:16. jeez you idiot. do the Russians have troops in Cuba? no

The counties mentioned are isolated in that they have no money coming into them from the US and IMF. Their trade and diplomatic options are curtailed.

They are also used as examples to others as to what happens to those who do not tow the line. Exporting terrorism? Really ? You are stuck in the 70s and 80s. There is no real effort by any of them to conduct terror operations. And when they did, it was repelled (back in the 80s) it was met with force, both overt and covert.

Cuba is a perfect example. No foreign troops are stationed there. Cuba is an enemy of the US, but the US has made sure they have no teeth. They are an isolated island with a piss poor economy and a stagnat future. In essence, they have been Finlandized since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Anonymous said...

"The counties mentioned are isolated in that they have no money coming into them from the US and IMF. "

Now you redefine isolated. So if China gave them money, they would still be isolated by your derp def since the $$$ would not be coming from the IMF or the US.

Wow, you are so sincere in your debate style and you wonder why you are called a troll. You should take a train to Switzerland and see one of those euthanasia doctors. You are a good candidate.

Anonymous said...

Are we getting a little agitated now that our entire worldview is falling apart? Telling people to kill themselves because you lost? We having a wittal tantwum?

NPCs posting their own Ls

Anonymous said...

What? You did not like that? Too bad. Yes they are isolated and being economically punished. How is that "redefining" anything you dolt? In this hemisphere, as a country, you deal with them only as the US allows you to, otherwise you too get cut off.

Get real jackass.

And what is your alternative proposal instead of "spheres of influence". Sit around and sing kumbaya? Waiting for an answer.

Anonymous said...

What is falling apart is Putler's dweams.

“The land forces on Kola are reduced to a fifth of their original numbers before the invasion of Ukraine,”

time to roll in and take away Russia's subs and make Russia toothless.


Anonymous said...

Many new graves along the Pechenga River.

In other news there will be a bumper crop of poppies along the Pechenga