Thursday, March 2, 2023

NBC Speaks The Truth On Crimea

Zero Hedge: NBC Reporter Goes To Crimea, Shocks Viewers By Telling The Truth 

Mainstream media correspondents for major US networks rarely, if ever, report from inside Crimea and certainly are nowhere near Russian-held territory in eastern Ukraine. However, this week NBC News chief international correspondent Keir Simmons went to Sevastopol, surrounded by a significant Russian military presence given it is home to the Russian Navy's Black Sea Fleet, and in a live segment admitted that it's not at all realistic Zelensky and Ukrainian forces can ever hope to take Crimea. 

This is especially as the "the people there... view themselves as Russian." Simmons noted that "This is the closest that any US news crew has got to the Russian Black Sea Fleet in many many years." He explained that "Vladimir Putin will be determined to defend that port - to not have it take it away from him - he may well do pretty much anything to try to achieve that." 

 Read more ....  

WNU Editor:I have been to Crimea many times. I have friends in Crimea. Once even thought that Crimea would be a great place to retire (after Odessa). NBC News chief international correspondent Keir Simmons' observations are spot on. The NBC report is here .... A view from Crimea, the Russian-annexed territory Ukraine is hoping to seize back (NBC).


Anonymous said...

how can that be true, right? that station is MSM!! We never believe anything from MSM

Mr nobody said...

May be you are right. Maybe you are wrong.

It is not that the msm is wrong 100% of the time.

But, because they lied so many times. Because they have a proven ideological bent.....,

Thier reporting IS suspect 100% of the time.

If they say the sky is still go out and check. Why?

By thier own actions, they have made themselves illegitimate

Anonymous said...

"the people there... view themselves as Russian."

Derp. Many Ukrainians and Tatars have fled. So that adjusted the percentages. The ones that are left know they live in a police state and so are careful with their answers.

After the Jews were stripped of their citizenship , the percentage of people viewing Hitler favorably went up. No pesky Jews to express disapproval to a pollster.