Thursday, March 2, 2023

Pentagon Developed A Contingency Plan To Wage War Against Iran

A US B-52 bomber supporting fighter jets during a joint military exercise between the US and Israel - codenamed Juniper Oak - in January 2023.  

The Intercept: Pentagon Developed Contingency Plan for War With Iran 

In January, the U.S. and Israel conducted the largest joint military exercise in history. 

The U.S. military allocated spending for secret contingency operations pertaining to an Iran war plan, according to a classified Pentagon budget manual listing emergency and special programs reviewed by The Intercept. 

The contingency plan, code-named “Support Sentry,” was funded in 2018 and 2019, according to the manual, which was produced for the 2019 fiscal year. It classifies Support Sentry as an Iran “CONPLAN,” or concept plan, a broad contingency plan for war which the Pentagon develops in anticipation of a potential crisis.  

Read more ....  

Update #1: US Established ‘Contingency Plan’ for War With Iran, New Report Finds (Sputnik)  

Update #2: US funded ‘Iran war plan’ in support of Israel’s anti-Iran saber-rattling: Report (Press TV)  

WNU Editor: Can't say that I am surprised that the Pentagon has a contingency plan to wage war against Iran. Many countries around the world have plans to wage war against countries that are perceived as enemies, the U.S. included. But what is surprising about this plan is that the Intercept was able to obtain this classified Pentagon budget manual listing these emergency and special programs.


Anonymous said...

they have ops plans for everything, even ops plans for national emergency of martial law.

Bottom line the military has a conplan for just about every scenario you can think of, yes, probably has one to invade Canada if needed.

But the plans are there, just sitting on a shelf, and updated every so often.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but the world is not the same anymore, the US will attack any country that just wants its economic and ethnic independence, is that right? It seems that the bible should wipe Israel off the map, because Israel only exists thanks to the USA and the worst, the guys attack rich and peaceful countries, to protect a poor country, dry and stinking of sewage like Israel, very strange..., Ancient civilizations more developed than Israel what happened without answers centuries ago and the disappearance of peoples, world history is very poorly told and what is happening is clowning, humans who do not think...,because until today I haven't seen anyone say what I'm saying, would I be wrong and mistaken? Stop to analyze, all sustenance and existence to end up with just this shameful script? exist reincarnate Earth is the worst existential place to be a 100% fact, poorly told story and that is not the bible, Torah and Koran that will prove them right, while all this time a country without a prophet and religion itself attacks everyone cowardly, very strange I remember Anunnaki theory, Babylon and the creation of the USA, I don't know there's something there greater than idiotic countries