Thursday, March 2, 2023

Pentagon Issues New Transgender Policies for Military Personnel

Legal Insurrection: Pentagon Burdens Warfighting Commanders with New Transgender Policies for Military Personnel 

New policies expand transgender procedures to the service academies, allow gender transitions while on-duty, and mandate group shower facility use by both biological sexes if certain administrative requirements are met. Oh, and military commanders are responsible to “not accommodate biases against transgender individuals” 

As RealClear Defense recently reported, on December 20, 2022 the Department of Defense issued an update to DOD Instruction 1300.28, entitled “In-Service Transition for Transgender Service Members,” which “expanded woke transgender mandates in significant ways.”

The article compares the original instruction, issued in the waning days of the Obama administration in October 2016, to the current expansion, with the aide of a study and summary compiled by the Center for Military Readiness (CMR).

Significantly, the CMR study and summary explain the significance of the changes, which fall into six major areas, and which were issued “without public debate”:

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: When you use diversity and cultural factors to prioritize who the military hires (and promotes) the impact on any military will always be the same. Military competence and combat readiness will decline.


Anonymous said...

We are witnessing the slow, painful death of what was once a great and powerful empire. We deserve it for allowing all of this happen in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Brings a new meaning to the phrase "wearing battle dress"

Anonymous said...

I am willing to bet some of these trannies in the military are doing it to protect their job.

Some people convicted of pedophilia start transitioning upon conviction to female, so they can game the system.

You don't think that some in the military are not doing the same thing?

You can have problems with the up or put system, but there are ways to legally and morally play it to get 20.

What needs to be done is obvious.

Anonymous said...

HaHaha Goodbye recruiting! Can't wait to see the collapse, entire Military deserves it!!!!

Military is headed for a major disaster, most probably in the Pacific. Battan Death March type situation and Wake Island Redux only on Guam. Japan may have to surrender to when our Navy is on the bottom of the Pacific, but hey we added all these trannys who enlisted!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


3:21 is skoda. for this individual, even the rocks are trolls

Anonymous said...

Progressive Liberal modernistic pagan trash. 2000 years of christian civilization and this is the current result.

Yesterday they had a lady from the school board in Fairfax County say that

"the battle of Iwo Jima was evil"

7,000 US Marines died on that hell hole. Sacrificed their lives so you and I could see better days.

This is what we have become, and even worse...THIS IS WHERE WE ARE GOING.

You don't turn this around, you and your kids will drown in this shit.

Anonymous said...

same shit here said as when military was segregated. Same shit here as when women integrated into the military (not just WACS)...things change.

Anonymous said...

I suggest the US should bring back capital punishment for treason against the United States.

Anonymous said...


No this is not the same. a Person has no choice in their skin color or sex. Being a homo is a choice.

Plus it is not the just the presents of the homo individual. It is the whole progressive liberal fan fare that goes with it.

The whole concept of there is no sex. Sex is "chosen" by the doctor at birth and all the other pseudo science that goes with this is BS

This is not fact driven. It is an ideological movement against christianity, white males and traditional.Americanism. The idiot from Fairfax county would be right there with you in your opinion.

What? You and your groupies want to force everyone celebrate degeneracy and perversion?

And your solution is "things Change"? You are really screwed up. So if we start throwing people into gas chambers that's ok too,

because "things Change"?

Your Logic Sucks.

Go to hell.

DinoB said...

Anyone who thinks this is not all by design lives in a dream world. From the wide open borders with terrorists, drugs, gangs etc crossing to the deliberate push to electric cars (destroying our economy) to COVID to the beginning of WW3 over the most corrupt country in the world ....all be design my WEF deniers