Monday, March 6, 2023

Russian Nuclear Submarines Have Been Deployed Off The U.S. Coast

Dmitry Donskoi nuclear powered submarine © Pyotr Kovalyov/TASS 

DNYUZ/Newsweek: Russia Nuclear Submarines Deployed Off U.S. Coast Spark Alarm  

As Russian President Vladimir Putin‘s war in Ukraine continues to rage, United States commanders and military observers are sounding the alarm about the activity of Russia’s submarine fleet thousands of miles away, off the U.S. coast. 

Throughout the war, which began when Putin launched a full-scale invasion of neighboring Ukraine last February, there has been a buildup of Russian Navy forces in the Black Sea. 

There has also been an increasing presence of Russian submarines off of U.S. coasts and in the Mediterranean, according to officials.  

Read more ....  

Update: US Military Warning of Russian Nuke Subs Off Coasts (Newsmax)  

WNU Editor: I do not know why Russian nuclear submarines being deployed off the US coast is causing alarm. The U.S. is actively involved in the Russia - Ukraine war. What does Washington expect?


Anonymous said...

"I do not know why Russian nuclear submarines being deployed off the US coast is causing alarm. The U.S. is actively involved in the Russia - Ukraine war. What does Washington expect?"

WNU Editor: Are you actually equating the two? WTF?!! Russia is ACTIVELY INVOLVED in targeting non-combatants and civilian infrastructure. RUSSIA is also ACTIVELY INVOLVED in attacking an eastern EUROPEAN country. The actual point is: "The U.S. and NATO are aiding a European country in defending itself against an act of war; what does MOSCOW expect?" Get your fucking shit together or you are going to lose a whole bunch of readers.

Anonymous said...

What does Washington expect? As bad as the U.S. may have become in recent years, at least we still have a semblance of liberty remaining, unlike your beloved Russia, which simply jails dissenters to keep them quiet. Why in the hell wouldn't the U.S. be concerned by Russian SSBs stationed off its coast? Would Canada, where you live, be concerned? (not that Canada could or would do jack shit about it)

Anonymous said...

He doesn't care. He's a simp.

Anonymous said...

WNU is Russian what can you expect?

Hans Persson said...

Wow.. the comments here..

Anonymous said...

Enlighten us

fazman said...

Well said

Anonymous said...

Of course the Russians are going to deploy subs around the coasts of the USA, Britain & other European countries that are involved in the war. They'll be used for political signalling, then combat operations if the US or Polish armies move into Ukraine & get involved in battle with Russian ground forces. This isn't a colonial war we're fighting in Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan where they can't fight back conventually. The Democratic & Conservative governments have decided to pick a fight with the Rooskies. Russia won't lose this. Keep ducking

Anonymous said...

USA arms ukies to fight Russia, so there is an undeclared war between the two. Russia sets up defence and most people are surprised.
I’m surprised by how many idiots this wasn’t going to be the outcome.
Biden wants www3 and that’s the only way dems will keep power.
Problem is, no one actually knows the outcome

Anonymous said...

Yes Hans and I are Swedish (I can see by his name) and We like people to be able to express their opinions.

It used to be in the Western culture that you could have a serious debate about most thing. This cancel culture of opinions is something very alien to how it has been for example in Sweden for at least a hundred years.

I hope we can go back to how it was in the 90's when I lived in the U S. It was a fantastic place where most people lived in harmony regardless of race and religion.

Anonymous said...

Lot of gays on those subs.

Anonymous said...

Lots of gays on those subs.

Is that funny? How about this joke. "100 men go down on a sub, 50 couples come up."

Doesn't happen on subs. But it does happen in the navies all over the world. There is a reason San Francisco is gay. When people left the Navy that is one of the major ports where they were "dumped". If you read histories of San Francisco, you will find this eventually.

The CIA should give files to Putin showing how many gays are on which sub, so Putin can target his ships,

Anonymous said...

and the sucker go on swallowing this crap despite the many guilty pleas and the many court verdits!

Tucker Carlson, with video provided by Speaker McCarthy, falsely depicts Jan. 6 riot as a peaceful gathering

Mr Nobody said...

Subs off US coast. Subs off Russian coast. Yes, that is the way it is.

The real question is: How many have left port? More than usual? That is when you start to worry

Other wise it is fluff. A slow news day.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooh the NPCs are SO outraged! How dare WNU Editor order those subs to do the same thing the've been doing for the past 50 years! I'm going to stop coming to these comments and screaming "Russian Trolls!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Yes a lot of these comments are idiotic because of ignorance and personal opinion.

A. This is not a new threat. It is as old as the first missle subs of the 1960s
B. In the current state of high tension between all 3 great powers USA Russia and China, it is to be expected.
C. The crazy at 2:19 seems to have no understanging of how the world works and his opinions are tainted by a clear anti Russian bias. For him, the Russians are no longer a people, a competitor or even an adversary..They are the bogeyman.

Anonymous said...

>"As bad as the U.S. may have become in recent years, at least we still have a semblance of liberty remaining, unlike your beloved Russia, which simply jails dissenters to keep them quiet."

Like Julian Assange?

Anonymous said...

8:31 (Fred L) What is a verdit?

Anonymous said...

I like Fred Lapides. He is an unapologetic (fill in the blank).

"A defendant in a criminal case has a right to a speedy trial under the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." -

Many people have been held in DC for 2 years without trial. Every last Russian blogger or troll will point this out. Fred will blissfully ignore it. When you have 16 years of education but only leaned how to read during the last 5 of them, I guess you can ignore inconvenient truths.

What is the difference between Navalny and the people held in DC?

I say Chaney the Shaman and his two buds talk to the capitol policeman. The policeman asked if Chaney and his friends could leave. Chaney and his friends said they would. Is that an insurrection?

Meanwhile Ray Epps is free. He is seen on video exhorting people to storm the capitol building. Can you say set up. Ray Epps and his FBI handlers need to be in jail. Has Fred Lapides ever gave a proper accounting of Ray EPPs' actions?

Anonymous said...

2:19 AM is staying up late. One can tell he has not the need to work for a living to keep such hours during the workweek.

Russian subs off the US east coast is perfectly legal under international laws so long as they stay in international waters. The US does this to other nations--Remember the US sub that went aground in the South China Sea not that long ago? So don't cry if you are attacking Russia and they put Russian subs of the east coast of the USA in response.

Bottom line--the US created the conditions where the Russian's invaded Ukraine, which used to be part of the Soviet Union, by financing and implementing the so-called Maiden Revolution which overthrew the legitimate government of Ukraine (pre-Russian) and substituted the pro-western fascists led by the former comedian Zelensky who are now begging to join NATO n opposition to Russia.

To stop this war and the other never-ending wars that the US is fighting or supporting throughout the world, and create the conditions for peace (bad for business though), the US people need to regain their government from the war mongers who have ruled it for so long. Electing president Trump for a second term would be a step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

WNU editor is right; this is expected.

Back in the cold war, it used to be that for every Russian boomer off the US coast, there would be a US fast attack submarine quietly following it. Now I'm not so sure.

Interesting picture of the Russian boomer with a boat up along side. I would love to know the back story of that.

Anonymous said...

2:19 is staying up late or is in a different time zone?

Maiden Revolution?

How about Russia poisoning special?

Viktor Yushchenko was poisoned by the orcs from Moscow in 2004.

You know what the bible (EXODUS 22:18) says. Thou shall not suffer a poisoner!

The rulers of the Kremlin are poisoners. they must be destroyed. It is the duty of any Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic or Protestant Christian to destroy them.

Anonymous said...

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called an attack Tuesday on the main square of the country's second-largest city “frank, undisguised terror. Nobody will forgive. Nobody will forget. This attack on Kharkiv is a war crime.”

Moscow Rule is one continuous war crime.

Anonymous said...

You know that's the blog time right? Timezones exist. Fucken idiots.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed a trend on here.

The same people decrying Russian bias and defending the WNU Editor anytime it gets a little hot in here, are the same ones calling for gays to be murdered or be targeted while also trying to marginally put together the semblance of an intelligent opinion, which is disguised behind North Korean type-insults.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Speaks for itself.......

So if one wants to learn why US Foreign Policy is so inept in terms of actually serving the interests of the American people, look no farther than was has happened and continues to roil in Ukraine as well as the implications of the Samantha Power visit to Hungary. For Foreign Service Posts, providing support for the agendas of the collection of freak shows that make up the Democratic Party has become manifestly as or even more important than promoting genuine national interests overseas or assisting American businesses and travelers.

What is perhaps most interesting is the way the “woke” foreign policy is being largely concealed from the American public and is being run as some kind of stealth operation. One initiative run by USAID in Macedonia in 2016 under President Obama included a $300,000 grant for “suitable” Macedonian applicants to “fund” a program entitled “LGBTI Inclusion” to counter how “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons continue to suffer discrimination and homophobic media content, both online and offline… Considerable efforts are still needed to raise awareness of and respect for diversity within society and to counter intolerance.” How many American taxpayers would be happy to learn that their hard-earned money has been going to support programs run in nonconsenting foreign democracies to make them more “woke?” Of course, no one in the Biden Administration is telling the public about it, nor is the story likely to appear in the mainstream media, so presumably no one will know!

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

^^^ Definitely looks like passive aggressive attack by a person who learned how to read in the last 2 years of high school.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn’t WNU leave Canada and go back to Russia. Funny how he lives a western life but shits on the West. Maybe you should go join the other retards invading Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should grow up you un-American freak and figure out the meaning of "Freedom of Speech"

But that's right, you speak freely in lovely ukie land , you get shot or tied to lamp post and beaten.

Hans Persson said...


Are you serious?