Sunday, March 12, 2023

Russians Ordered To Take Anti-Radiation Pills And Rush To Nuclear Bomb Shelters After TV And Radio Stations Were Hacked In Moscow

An ominous map of Russia slowly being covered in red was broadcast into people's homes with the message 'Everyone to the shelters immediately' 

Daily Mail: Terrified Russians are ordered to take anti-radiation pills and rush to nuclear bomb shelters as TV station servers are HACKED 

* TV and radio stations in Moscow and the Sverdlovsk region were interrupted 

* It is the third such hacking in the past month which hijacked Russian broadcasts 

Russians were warned today to take anti-radiation pills and rush to their nearest nuclear bomb shelters after hackers compromised state television servers to broadcast chilling messages. 

TV and radio programmes in Moscow and the Sverdlovsk region, including Yekaterinburg city, were interrupted with an alarming message telling citizens a missile strike had been conducted on Russian soil. 

The population was urged to take potassium iodide pills, don gas masks to protect themselves and to seek shelter. 

Read more ....  

Update #1: Russians told to rush to nuclear bomb shelters after hackers take over state media (The Telegraph)  

Update #2: Fake ‘nuclear bomb’ alert on TV and radio scares Russians (The Independent)  

WNU Editor: The air raid sirens did not go off. Nor was an emergency alert sent to everyone's mobile phone. But this false alarm could have easily created a misunderstanding that could then have precipitated a disaster.


Anonymous said...

Easy fix. Find out who did it. Have them publically shot on national tv

Anonymous said...

Russia is in a world of hurt. Great helmsman Putin

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile half of America wants the other half to be rounded up and shot. Such unity. Such strength.

Anonymous said...

2:36 you have done your work well over the decades.

Anonymous said...


You do not understand buddy. This transcends nationality. These idiots are a true threat to public safety on a massive scale.

If this had been an American incident, I would say the same thing.